back to article Iran's cyber operations in Israel a potential prelude to US election interference

Iran's anti-Israel cyber operations are providing a window into the techniques the country may deploy in the run-up to the 2024 US Presidential elections, Microsoft says. An analysis of Iran's activity, published by Microsoft Threat Analysis Center (MTAC) today, concluded that Iran may again target US elections as it did in …

  1. beast666 Silver badge

    The main threat to US election integrity is the DNC

    1. Someone Else Silver badge

      The main threat to US election integrity is the DNC tRump (a.k.a. "t'pineapple").

      There, FTFY

  2. This post has been deleted by its author

    1. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise

      Anyone is preferred over the criminal and promising to be dictator Trump

      1. Dimmer Silver badge

        Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise


        Are you referring to the trial in New York where the AG created a case by determining property values were different than Trump Org told banks?

        This should scare the hell out of anyone that is in NY that intends to ever do business there.

        The ONLY, by FDIC regs, property values used in determining asset value is the independent auditors hired by the bank, just like when you get a home loan. When they do that to you, you will understand who the real criminals are.

        Here is my main question: Does anyone have any idea who these countries are trying to help / hurt or they just going for “our elections are rigged” to undermine the election?

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise

          No I'm talking about his encouraging an attack on the capital and sitting back and doing nothing for hours while it was happening, until it became clear his mob was not going to succeed. Stealing classified documents, refusing to return them when asked nicely (something an average citizen would not get, the FBI knocking on their door at 6am would be the first they hear about it) then returning some documents and instructing his lawyer to lie and tell the FBI all documents had been returned. Then taking measures to hide those documents in case the FBI got a warrant, which they did, but unfortunately for him they also got a warrant to seize his security camera footage so they could see all the funny business and found a bunch more. Oh, and pressuring state officials to overturn the results of the election in Georgia because he didn't like the outcome, and claimed fraud although neither he nor anyone else has ever proven any fraud in Georgia or any other state.

          And falsely inflating your net worth massively to obtain loans or better terms for loans is illegal. If you try to obtain a mortgage and tell the bank you earn $1 million a year when you actually only earn $100K a year, that's bank fraud. He even told them his NYC apartment was 30,000 sq ft when it is actually 10,000 sq ft. He had the true size on past financial forms, so this was affirmative fraud, not something that can be written off as a mistake. Now that his former CFO is reportedly making a deal with the Feds and admitting he lied under oath because he doesn't want to go to Riker's Island for Trump a SECOND time, Trump is in real trouble there too.

          Some countries would prefer certain outcomes. Russia, Saudi Arabia, Israel all clearly want Trump - he loves dictators or wanna be dictators like Netanyahu. Most of Europe and Ukraine would prefer Biden, as he's a stable leader who supports NATO and democracy. China is rooting for chaos, they aren't getting what they want from either Trump or Biden but America looking bad and democracy looking like a failure plays right into their hands.

          1. Dimmer Silver badge

            Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise

            Thank you for your opinion on the question on who they would be supporting. I do not have enough information to form an opinion on that.

            As far as the other statements they are most of the talking points of the progressive side.

            It is likely you are getting your info from another source than I. Please listen to Tucker Carlson interviews concerning the Jan 6. I don’t think you are hearing the full story and he appears to be backing it up with proof.

            The reason they were there was because they are loosing faith in our election and judicial system. Not just a few, but close to half of the country. It is the system, not Trump causing this. A lot of these people don’t even like him personally, but he appears to be trying to protect the people. Like a 1970 democrat for the working man.

            From my experience, you can’t fake your income. You have to provide proof in the way of deposits, payments and tax statements, not something he, you or I can fake. Banks report this info to the FEDs

            The banks also use Credit scores from 3 major agencies. The banks are required to prove asset value and re evaluate it on a yearly basis.

            Still none of this has anything to do with what he or his org said to get a loan. There were no losses. If the courts did the same as they did on the election item’s brought before them from both the Dem and GOP, they would have ruled no standing as no one was affected.

            Every one should take note that if you ever took out a loan and paid it back, you too could be fined.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Trumpism is a disease

              I stopped reading after "Please listen to Tucker Carlson interviews concerning the Jan 6"

            2. DS999 Silver badge

              Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise

              Tucker Carlson is a Trump defender who is totally dishonest about Jan. 6th. He has never shown the videos showing the violence committed - there were well over 100 injuries of police officers inflicted upon them by the supposedly "peaceful" Trump supporters who stormed the capitol. He never shows that violence. He never shows the people chanting "hang Mike Pence". He never shows republican congressman and senators running in obvious fear to their secret hiding place. He never shows republican congressman alongside democratic congressman, barricading the doors to the House floor, one holding a gun. He never shows all the vandalism, or talks about the "souvenirs" they stole.

              If you're listening to him you're getting a terribly one sided view intended to make Trump look innocent, and the protestors look like victims. Neither is true.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise

                > Tucker Carlson is a Trump defender

                Even more unhinged. Which is something to say. Imagine: being fired from Fox News!!!!

              2. Dimmer Silver badge

                Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise

                “ you're getting a terribly one sided view”

                Thank you for agreeing with my point but you did not address the main concern of the action of NY against Trump. Is it him, businesses in general or worst yet a test case for individuals?

                When the government attacks the people, and we have no confidence we can replace those officials causing it, is our only recourse to do a BLM and burn and destroy? Is this not what led to our independence?

                To many, this is what they see. Is this the effect from foreign nations campaigns?

                There is a storm brewing and Trump is not a lightning rod, only an indicator. We best take heed and determine why the city populations are being pitted against the rural.

                1. Anonymous Coward
                  Anonymous Coward

                  Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise

                  > When the government attacks the people,

                  Typical paranoid redneck BS. Seek assistance.

            3. Casca Silver badge

              Re: I am Jack's lack of suprise

              Tucker Carlson? LMAO!

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Setting the record straight

      Iran, China and Russia are dictatorships led by paranoid psychos.

      It's not the Iranian people "retaliating". The Iranian people have tried many times to oust the bigots keeping the country under their rule. As recently as last year.

      It's not the Russian people "retaliating". Many sensible Russians have left Russia and are waiting for the Russian Federation to implode as the USSR did in 1991 to return and rebuild their Mother Russia.

      It's not the Chinese people "retaliating". China's economy is a debt-ridden wreck, churning out fake statistics, destroying equity value and sitting on a demographic bomb. At the helm of China sits yet another senile paranoid psycho destroying his own country.

      All these countries execute their citizens by the hundreds, when they don't send 100s of 1000s to the meat grinder. They don't need the US to kill each others.

      PS: You forgot the "Democratic People's" Republic of North Korea in your inventory of "victims of US tyranny", JE. Tired?

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Setting the record straight

          Oh you mean Trump playing Russia's game?

          Trump just adding one more count of high treason to his heavy judicial record. Yet another paranoid deplorable.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Russian Money and the Trump family

            Donald Jr: We see Russian money ‘pouring in’

            Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money

            How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business

            Now, who still does not understand the GOP's obstruction against the Ukraine aid package?

            1. Dimmer Silver badge

              Re: Russian Money and the Trump family

              Because the new “border security” that has a majority of the money going to the Ukrain, opens the border even more. Typical political bait and switch. The gop wants bills that break apart funding for Ukrain, Israel and border.

              They control the house where the bills are created, so it is beyond me why they have not put those bills forward. No one is without blame here.

              Biden has stated that he will enforce the border laws only if we send money to Ukrain. This is what Treason looks like.

              The states banded to together awhile back and agreed on a central government that will protect our borders. Most of what it does is not in the constitution.

              25 states have now joined with Texas against the federal government to close the holes in the border and force asylum seekers to go through the safe border entries. May had died from the elements and cartels, that blood is on the current gov as they keep cutting holes in fences and encouraging it.

              Under the Biden leadership we are about to add a civil war to the Gaza, Hoth, Ukrain wars while provoking Russia, China, North Korea and Iran.

              We have been is worst shape before.

              If we can only identify the INDIVIDUALS responsible and replace them, remove the incentives things will be better.

              1. Casca Silver badge

                Re: Russian Money and the Trump family

                You prefer bending over for dictators like trump does. Ok...

      2. This post has been deleted by its author

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The REP and DEM have exactly the same stance on the middle east. What exactly would Iran gain from interfering?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Well they are... So, your assumption must be wrong.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          QAnon update

          Isn't Biden's laptop the one containing Hillary Clinton's email, the proof that Obama was born in Gaza and that the 2020 elections was rigged by Davos and Soros?

          1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

            Re: QAnon update

            What?!?!?! DAVROS rigged the 2020 election!?!?!?!?

            OH NOES! The Daleks are coming to EXTERMINATE us all!

            Flee! Flee for your very lives!

            I suggest somewhere with a lot of stairs to climb. And hope they're Daleks from the olden days, before they learned to fly.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          No evidence...

          > there was no real evidence of Russian interference in the last election.

          From the New York Times

          Russian Interference in 2020 Included Influencing Trump Associates, Report Says

          The assessment was the intelligence community’s most comprehensive look at foreign efforts to interfere in the election.

          "WASHINGTON — President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia authorized extensive efforts to hurt the candidacy of Joseph R. Biden Jr. during the election last year, including by mounting covert operations to influence people close to President Donald J. Trump, according to a declassified intelligence report released on Tuesday."

          "The report did not name those people but seemed to refer to the work of Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer Rudolph W. Giuliani, who relentlessly pushed accusations of corruption about Mr. Biden and his family involving Ukraine.

          “Russian state and proxy actors who all serve the Kremlin’s interests worked to affect U.S. public perceptions,” the report said.

          The declassified report represented the most comprehensive intelligence assessment of foreign efforts to influence the 2020 vote. Besides Russia, Iran and other countries also sought to sway the election, the report said. China considered its own efforts but ultimately concluded that they would fail and most likely backfire, intelligence officials concluded.

          A companion report by the Justice and Homeland Security Departments also rejected false accusations promoted by Mr. Trump’s allies in the weeks after the vote that Venezuela or other countries had defrauded the election."

          Of course, all these security experts must be wrong... since Jellied Eel only speaks the truth.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        That's a great answer and reason. Do you have proof they are?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Aren't you supposed to read the article first, before commenting?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Did you? I see a lot of theories but no actual evidence Iran was behind anything. By definition you can never determine who is doing what. I mean displaying an anti-Israel message on the screen sounds like something a 12 year old hacker would do. You can also make it look like it's someone else with real ease. Pop a bit of Russian, Chinese or North Korean named variables into the code and hey presto new evidence.

            "Seyyed Mohammad Hosein Musa Kazemi and Sajjad Kashian, aged 24 and 27 respectively, are alleged to have stolen US voter data and used it to send threatening emails in a bid to intimidate voters."

            That's just hilarious. Seriously, emails to intimidate American voters. How do you intimidate someone to do something you will never know they did or did not do?

            Aren't you supposed to think, before commenting?

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