Re: “NSAllowsArbitraryLoads”?
It's a source of disappointment that you can't easily get just a plain old tablet with a generic POSIX operating system for apps such as an EFB. There's no need to give an EFB access to the entire Apple ecosystem (or Google's for that matter), no reason for it to be used for anything other an EFB. If you want a tablet shaped device for anything like reasonable money, it's either an iPad or some generic Android thing, with all the horrors and complications that come along with those platforms.
If one could buy a tablet device that ran vanilla Linux or especially QNX (which actually has a pretty good touch / graphics layer from its days as BlackBerry's OS), and you could just write / compile up an app for that and load it in, that'd be about perfect for a number of single function applications. Short of getting a PC-based device, such a thing doesn't really exist, mores the pity.
The closest I've seen for this is tablets in Japanese sushi / yaki niku restaurants. You use these to place your order, and your morsels arrives forthwith. They're clearly an Android tablet based thing, but someone has clearly gone to the effort of cutting it down to "just run the menu app, nothing else". I find it peculiar that the Japanese catering industry seems to be able to rustle up something dedicated to the purpose of ordering a meal, whereas the global aviation industry has decided that a stock iPad will do!