Had a similar thing happen
Not going to mention names/companies. But I worked for a software developer about 18-19yrs ago. I was sent to Newbury (about a 100 mile trip) to fix an issue with a venue that couldn't be done remotely.
Upon arriving I was met with a system that kept crashing. As I was told to speak to the higher ups in tech support (who were too busy to go and sort it) before doing anything... I did so.
I was instructed to do about a dozen different things, none of which worked... and none of the suggestions involved actually opening up the system.... I'd suggested several times that I pull the system and open it up as it could be a hardware issue... This was dismissed and scoffed at, it was absolutely a software issue and they'd figure out what it was eventually. (every crash, they'd spend ages pouring over logs before making the next suggested change)
By the end of the day, it wasn't fixed... and I was told to find a cheap hotel for the night and be back there at 8am in the morning... because the support team were going home.
So I took matters into my own hands... pulled the system and stripped it down.
I took photos on my crappy little phone as evidence of what I found.
This thing was clogged up with dust, and the fan on the CPU cooler had failed... it was crashing because every time they tried to run tasks on it... it overheated and shut down, or after it was left on for a little while... heat soak caused the same issue.
I cleaned it out, went through their spares and old systems looking for a compatible heatsink... found one, cleaned it up and installed it. problem solved... support team very pissed at me the following morning.
But the venue, gave me a glowing report and gave the company a load of crap over the wasted day... I was lucky that one of the venue managers was present for a lot of the calls.
Sadly the company never learned the lesson... about 6 months later, started laying people off to cut costs. That same support team still held a grudge and kept sticking the knife in at every opportunity because I embarrassed them and I was one of those earmarked to be laid off.
The day after I was told... I never bothered going in and went straight into job hunt mode.
That's when I decided to become a contractor, I grabbed a temp job at a place I'd worked before to bring in money and was in a new contract with a 30% pay increase within 6 weeks... I've never looked back.