Intel no more needs government subsidies than the man in the moon. It's just one more case of corporate America suckering and extorting the various governments into throwing tax dollars at them so they can fatten their own back pockets and make wall street drool.
Intel delays Ohio fab build, blames semiconductor slowdown
Intel has seemingly postponed the completion date of its planned Ohio manufacturing site to late 2026, blaming the current weakness of the semiconductor market and delays in receiving CHIPS Act subsidy cash. The Santa Clara chipmaker announced two years ago that it was investing more than $20 billion in the creation of two …
Friday 2nd February 2024 18:48 GMT blueboar
Two years ago, Intel stated they had enlisted Brookfield Asset Management to build the factory buildings, but would only equip them when demand materialized. Even if the campus is fully completed by 2026, there are no guarantees that Intel will make anything there. Will Intel own these buildings? Probably not, if a capital firm is putting them up.
I personally can't verify it, but was told that this would have been more of an overflow foundry, taking load when existing fabs can't fill orders. It wouldn't have been a full time operation, but that doesn't make much sense considering the skilled workforce you'd need to attract to run it.
The area in question has been built up quite heavily over the past 10 years with large warehouse buildings. It wouldn't surprise me to see these repurposed for just that after Intel is done collecting tax credits from the state and county.
Friday 2nd February 2024 21:58 GMT vtcodger
It ain't that easy
Semiconductor fabs are complicated facilities full of unusual equipment. Things you wouldn't think of. Squirrel-Cage fan blowers the size of a small house for example. Much of that stuff is not likely to be available off the shelf. And some will likely have to be built to Intel's spec after months of meetings and negotiating, I wouldn't be surprised that it takes several of years from the decision to activate the facility before the first products start to emerge. They also require a huge support staff -- thousands of folk, Those have to be hired, trained, and forged into a working organization. 2025? Never very likely, one thinks.