back to article Adobe has 'no plans' to invest in XD despite failed Figma buy

Adobe has confirmed it will no longer push the envelope for XD, the vector design tool used by developers for web and mobile apps. Ironically this decision leaves the market open for Figma, the company the luxury software giant tried to buy for $20 billion in a transaction that was itself killed by regulator scrutiny amid …

  1. cornetman Silver badge

    > Dana Rao, general counsel at Adobe, told TechCrunch in 2022 that XD didn't generate more than $15 million to $17 million a year in revenues for Adobe, and had just a handful of full-time employees working on it.

    It's a bit messed up when companies get so big, that these kind of revenue numbers translate to "not worth the effort".

    I understand if those employees were moved to something more profitable, but if they were laid off that doesn't really make sense to me.

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      "A billion here, a billion there, and soon you're talking real money..."

  2. Pete Sdev Bronze badge


    Adobe XD continues to be in maintenance mode


    "We were expecting to buy Figma and had already made the developers redundant. Now we're stuffed and can't develop XD further."

  3. ldo

    Oh Well, Back To Photoshop

    Luckily there’s an endless pool of Adobe users willing to keep paying ongoing rental for the same old software ...

  4. ecofeco Silver badge

    Who and who?

    I still use Fireworks for my basic graphic design needs.

    I still miss Corel Draw and yes, I know it can still be found, but Fireworks fills in just fine. Or Gimp for that matter. Overpriced and overpowered art programs are just money grabs at this point unless you really, really need them. And that is not most people.

    And subscription art programs are peak bollocks.

    1. ldo

      Re: Who and who?

      Have you tried Inkscape? Not only is it a nice design tool, but the standard online format for scalable graphics is also its native file format.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Who and who?

        Inkscape (I use myself too) is a vector graphics editor, while Photoshop is a bitmap graphics editor. The Adode counterpart to Inkscape would be Adobe Illustrator.

        1. ldo

          Re: Photoshop is a bitmap graphics editor.

          Nobody mentioned Photoshop.

    2. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      Re: Who and who?

      Overpriced and overpowered art programs are just money grabs at this point

      I solve this problem by having all the artistic talent of a cluster of colourblind hedgehogs. In a bag.

  5. Bitbeisser

    Interesting business model for Figma. $1B "termination fee" can go a long way... :(

    1. I ain't Spartacus Gold badge

      In the US companies being taken over (in a non-hostile takeover anyway) are expected to open up their books and give an awful lot of other information to the company making the offer. So you need to have a disincentive to stop people making a big offer and getting to see everything, then just walk away whistiling a happy tune, and saying, "ta very much laddie." Also takeovers generate uncertainty, so you risk losing long-term sales / deals that might otherwise have gone ahead.

      This may have been one of the problems with HP buying Autonomy. The UK tradition is that you only give very limited information to your potential buyer, even if the takever is welcome and the board are happy to accept. HP were expecting a lot mor info, that they didn't immediately get. Of course there's a bargaining that can take place, i.e. if you don't tell me your exact breakdown of low-value hardware sales compared to high value software sales then I ain't buying - but HP had convinced themselves that doing that might bring Oracle in, so they didn't even wait for their due diligence report to be finished - and just bought them anyway. Which ended about as well as you'd expect.

      Musk bought Twitter because he'd have had to pay them $2 billlion to back out of the deal. Which would have been the better decision for him, both in terms of finance, and his reputation. Oopsie! Although it's not clear that the contract allowed him to back out - of if he'd done them so much damage by spouting off about how rubbish they were during the purchase that they'd have been able to force him to buy it anyway. Or pay even more compensation. Which still would have been cheaper for him...

  6. Phones Sheridan Silver badge

    I'm having major issues with Illustrator at the moment. It's just so damn slow that our artwork dept is going nuts. Saving files can take literally hours, flattening files, you may as well go for lunch, followed by an afternoons shopping while you wait. You look at the task manager, full memory?, nope, thrashing hard disk?, nope, maxed out CPU?, 5% max, nope. Tried running the same task through Ghostscript, 15 seconds. Look on the forums, lots of people having the same issue going back to 2016. It just sits there doing nothing for so many people. It really is a dogs dinner.

    Rant over, feel better now.

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