Puts a lot more pressure on VMware's tech support team(s)
At least with HPE, and I assume Dell and probably others, when you bought VMware through them they typically provided the tier 1 & 2 vmware support (at least for hypervisor+vCenter can't speak to other products), they could escalate to VMware's team as well if needed. (though have heard in general all of them are pretty terrible across the board for support quality).
Fortunately haven't really needed their support in a long time(only have had one serious support incident to me with VMware in the past 17 years of using ESXi, when a windows based vCenter corrupted itself(OS level corruption, though the DB was in Oracle on a Linux system and was unaffected) and I was just looking for the best way to recover out of paranoia, in the end the recovery was simple(reinstall new OS, new vCenter, point at existing DB) just took support a week to communicate it properly, didn't know if doing that would cause the hosts to freak out or not and in the end hosts didn't care as I assumed they wouldn't but wasn't 100% sure), keep configs simple and years behind the curve means less problems(and less headaches dealing with support).
But it sounds like Broadcom already terminated the deal by saying Dell (and HPE and others) can't resell their stuff. Not as if it being a subscription has anything to do with it, Dell I'm sure resells subscriptions to lots of things, tons on the Microsoft side at least. Will be interesting to see the fallout over the year, I'm assuming it will be pretty big, but time will tell of course.