I know, I know. It's crypto. It's not real money until you cash out, etc. etc. But seriously how much money do you need???
Once you had €20 million saved. Wouldnt you think about quitting? Just pack it in, hand over to someone else, and walk away with the cash in hand. Hell pay tax on it, claim it's crypto currency gains. After tax you still have €15 odd million. Boom done. Nice life, it's a lot of money, but not so much that people are going to ask too hard questions. Job done...
But nope, Crims never seem to think that way, do they? You gotta keep making more. €150 million? Nope keep going. €150 million isnt going to be hard to launder when it's time to walk away, is it? Nooooo. Would you even be able to spend €150 million in a lifetime? Not without gaining some attention from authorities wanting to know exactly how you came across that money, that's for sure...
Greedy git... Oh yeah and Drugs bad, mm kay...