The problem isn't that it can be bought with or without a record. The problem isn't even that it's for sale. The problem is that it exists.
Yup. Most data protection legislation starts with the requirement that data controllers hold the minimum personal information necessary to perform a function. Data rapists just decide that means 'everything'. Every message sent, every picture taken, every keystroke made, every conversation. My phone remiinded me of this yesterday when it told me I still hadn't 'backed up' my pictures to AlphaGoo. I have backed up my pics, or at least the ones I want to keep, just there are some I really don't want to share.
But such is politics. It's all about this-
According to Senator Ron Wyden, TIA was the "biggest surveillance program in the history of the United States"
Congress defunded the Information Awareness Office in late 2003 after media reports criticized the government for attempting to establish "Total Information Awareness" over all citizens.
But Wyden and Wiki use the wrong tense, and know it. TIA1.0 may have been 'defunded', but TIA2.0 lives on. And it isn't just a US problem given the EU is still pushing hard to enhance it's own version under the Digital Serveillance.. I mean Digital Services efforts.