back to article Google settles with Singular Computing over claims of stolen AI chip tech

Singular Computing's multi-billion dollar patent infringement lawsuit against Google was cut short on Wednesday after the search giant agreed to settle the case for an undisclosed sum. A Massachusetts federal court filing [PDF] did not in fact reveal any terms of the settlement. However, pretrial documents [PDF] showed …

  1. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    Just patent anything that comes to your mind.

    Make sure to create a shoddy prototype from time to time. Doesn't have to work.

    Then see what tech corporations are coming up with and see if any of your patents remotely fits.

    Sue sue sue.



    1. Dinanziame Silver badge

      Re: Patents

      Singular Computing seems to have a barebone website, but no wikipedia page. They don't seem to have accomplished much out of their patents, apart from whatever sum Google paid them to fuck off.

      1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

        Re: Patents

        In my opinion, a tell-tale sign of a patent troll.

    2. HammerOn1024

      Re: Patents

      Said the village idiot whose only contribution to humanity is a good case of hemorrhoids.

  2. DS999 Silver badge

    When a settlement is reached after the trial has begun

    One party quickly figured out they were not going to win. Perhaps because they didn't like the makeup of the jury that was seated.

    1. Sceptic Tank Silver badge
      Big Brother

      Re: When a settlement is reached after the trial has begun

      I wouldn't settle just because there are people sitting in the jury who have applied cosmetics.

    2. Falmari Silver badge

      Re: When a settlement is reached after the trial has begun

      Maybe Google lost the separate appeal case* that started 2 weeks ago on the validity of those patents. Then quickly figured out they were not going to win as they were infringing valid patents.

      *Case was mentioned in this earlier reg article

  3. Anonymous Anti-ANC South African Coward Silver badge

    Sinclair Computing

    I read the title as "Google settles with Sinclair Computing over claims of stolen AI chip tech"... and went "WTF is Sinclair Computing?"

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