back to article Tech world won't have long to fall in line when EU signs off on AI Act

Users and builders of AI systems face a race against time to comply with incoming European legislation if lawmakers continue on their current trajectory. After the agreed text of the EU's AI act was leaked this week, commentators have urged organizations using the tech to closely monitor the legislation's progress as some …

  1. Dinanziame Silver badge

    "Regulating products is fine. But [regulating] R&D is ridiculous."

    I can hardly assume that academics and enthusiasts tinkering in their labs and homes would be impacted by this regulation? Corporations mass-launching "beta services" to the public definitely should though. Possibly, the EU will go the DSA/DMA route and just clearly state which global tech companies this applies to.

    1. Pascal Monett Silver badge


      Regulating R&D that only exists in a lab and cannot be accessed by the general public ? Obviously not.

      But you put your lab rat on the open market and I don't care what your excuse is, it needs to be under control.

    2. Catkin Silver badge

      A bold assumption to make when you're dealing with the same goons who want everyone's devices spying on them (even more) and breaking encryption. Admittedly, they backed off slightly, unlike the British government but I wouldn't assume for a second that they've given up.

  2. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    Such uses include biometric categorization systems that claim to sort people into groups based on politics, religion, sexual orientation, and race. The untargeted scraping of facial images from the internet or CCTV, emotion recognition in the workplace and educational institutions, and social scoring based on behavior or personal characteristics were also included on the prohibited list, according to a provisional agreement.

    Interesting. Does it mean they already have certain companies lined up to do this and they don't want competition to create something better?

  3. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

    A kind of GDPR opt out for AI training data would be nice - for example excluding using your data for AI training, or removing entire sites from training data. This would have to include the company's customers, otherwise it would be totally toothless.

    I mean it almost certainly won't happen, but I think if the AI Industry wants to survive the oncoming plethora of lawsuits, they'll have to implement something like this sooner or later.

  4. Kev99 Silver badge

    Why does AI need to be included in ANY software other than dedicated AI programs or databases? Just because mictosoft thinks it's the be all to end all doesn't make it a good idea. I've been using computers since the old TI-99-4A and I've had no desire or expectancy to use AI. It's far, FAR from being perfected, secure, stable, or uniform.

    1. codejunky Silver badge


      "Why does AI need to be included in ANY software other than dedicated AI programs or databases?"

      Cars for steering assistance and even parking for you. What is a dedicated AI program or database? How broad does that cover and what about its applications in the wide spectrum of life/work?

      "I've been using computers since the old TI-99-4A and I've had no desire or expectancy to use AI. It's far, FAR from being perfected, secure, stable, or uniform."

      How were the computing regulations back then and how did they interfere with application leading to the varied machines we have today? Personally I am glad computers were allowed to be included even where some people didnt think them necessary.

      We dont know what is or not a good use of a technology. It gets tried, succeeds or fails and life improves.

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: @Kev99

        Cars for steering assistance and even parking for you.

        Tesla Vision Parking update (no parking sensors) does it work yet?

        This title follows Betterage's law of headlines.

    2. spacecadet66 Bronze badge

      What does "need" ever have to do with it? Why did anything three years ago "need" a blockchain stapled on? It's the flavor of the month, it's yet another iteration of the Gartner Hype Cycle and fashion-driven development. Eventually trial and error will shake out the five or ten things that LLMs are actually good for, at which time people will be flocking around a different and newer shiny thing.

    3. DS999 Silver badge

      Why does AI need to be included in ANY software other than dedicated AI programs or databases?

      Think of the stock prices! Think of the poor CEOs who need their huge performance incentives when that stock price goes up to be able to afford their fourth home and second yacht! Think of their children, who are expecting a new Mercedes for their 16th birthday!

  5. EricM Silver badge

    No clear definition of AI?

    Searching through the text at

    It contains quite a few times "Artifical Intellligence" and over 1000 times "AI system", however, I was not able to find a clear definition of those terms.

    AI today (even if you exclude marketing-only usage) is summarizing multiple quite different technologies that have large overlaps with Big Data, Statistics and Analytics.

    So this proposed legislation without a clear definition of what it really tries to regulate and what not could become an ongoing legal risk for companies working in technologies that might be considered AI-related by technical laymen ( e.g. judges) who need to rule necessarily without a clear understanding of technology just based on this text.

  6. Ashto5

    Degenerative AI Rules

    This is where they need to be directing their laws.

    Maybe run one of the models over the EU expenses data ?

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