Thankyou for your comments on Lotus Notes
Gentlemen - thankyou for your honest and accurate comments on Lotus Notes, and thanks for these Kettle chats.
I consider myself a Notes "tragic", in that while I was aware of and agree with everything you said about its downsides, to me it's still the best software system ever developed.
It is so much more than mail, and so much more than workflow - it is a replicated, distributed, application and database system that can work in a single office or scale and work at a global level.
The first time I saw it - 1991 - I remember the presenter being ridiculed by the audience. Looking back though, I think that this was because even the presenter from Lotus didn't really know what it was all about and what it could do.
The following year, I started using Notes 2.0 on Windows 3.11 with OS/2 server backends (at one of the big five, er, big four firms) and have used it ever since.
To me, it's a tool that with some effort can fit to a business, rather than other tools that seem to require that the business fit to the tool.
It's good that HCL are still developing it - there are many big companies that are using it at a national or global level - though their support for anyone other than a global organisation leaves a little to be desired. It took me two years to get quote from them for a Domino upgrade for a small business that I support, and in the end I decided against the upgrade because their existing system was still working perfectly well..
...and that system was coded and deployed in 1996 and still running on Notes/Domino 4.5 on an isolated Windows 2000 server instance.