back to article Microsoft braces for automatic AI takeover with Copilot at Windows startup

Microsoft is experimenting with having Copilot open automatically upon Windows startup. Described as a "Change and Improvement" for users who have a minimum screen width of 27 inches, Microsoft's latest attempt to cram the AI assistant into every bit of the OS turned up in the Windows Insider Dev Channel a few days ago. The …

  1. steamnut

    Just asking.

    Maybe Microsoft are a little worried that people will use AI to ask the questions like "what is the best and most reliable operating system?" and will filter the outbound questions as a precaution.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Just asking.

      Will M$ pre-train it using Electro-Convulsive Therapy?

    2. NoneSuch Silver badge

      Re: Just asking.

      Answers to that question will only list MS OS regardless.

      Corporate AI will always point you to the answer that favors the corporation, not your interests. It'll also charge you $35 a month for the privilege.

    3. Patrician

      Re: Just asking.

      Surely, what is ""what is the best" operating system is subjective?

      For instance, my PC at home is used 98% of the time for gaming, therefore, in that instance "the best operating system" is Windows as it's more compatible, natively, with the majority of games.

      On the other hand, my laptop is used for web, email, Youtube etc and that is running a version of Mint as that is "the best operating system" for that usage case.

      I also have a Chromebook that also works in tablet mode, which I use if travelling and if I need a, rather large and cumbersome, tablet, and that is "the best operating system" for that usage case.

      1. Snake Silver badge

        Re: subjective

        Thank you for making a sound case in your reply.

  2. Roland6 Silver badge

    > a minimum screen width of 27 inches,

    Weird logic, my 15.6 inch laptop screen, my 27 inch monitor, and 42 inch tv, have the same resolution, just different pixel densities.

    When I plug my laptop into one of the larger screens, I expect no change in display layout.

    1. Catkin Silver badge

      EDID communicates, among other things, the display size, so the pixel density can be calculated.

      1. Roland6 Silver badge

        Maybe, but screen size et al are poor determinates of what a screen is being used for.

        Even knowing the specific model isn’t all that helpful.

        1. Catkin Silver badge

          There will be outliers in all cases but I think you're being excessively dour. I think that there will be broad trends of use that mean an automatic adjustment upon encountering a novel monitor (to that system) will satisfy the majority of users. This will be helped by all that telemetry Microsoft love to slurp.

    2. captain veg Silver badge

      Is it a small screen, or just far away?


      1. David 132 Silver badge

        Careful now. Down with this sort of thing.

    3. abend0c4 Silver badge

      I expect no change

      Have you not encountered Microsoft before?

  3. xyz Silver badge


    That's about all I can muster. It's bad enough getting my laptop to "start up" without me drinking 3 coffees and smoking 3 ciggies. Now I've got to wait for a cheeky e-chappy to clear its throat. OMG.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: HELL F**K NOOOOOOO...

      My employer is finishing up a, er, pilot program of Copilot. I asked for additional suggestions on things to use it for, as none of the suggested uses were at all applicable to my role, and I had been unable to find anything useful to do with it. Instead, they told me that was exactly the kind of feedback that they need - that for folks in my role, it's useless so don't pay for it.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: HELL F**K NOOOOOOO...

        Ask Copilot to write you a suggestions list...

    2. Snake Silver badge

      Re: HELL F**K NOOOOOOO...

      It can be turned off, as per the story.

      1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Re: HELL F**K NOOOOOOO...

        Yes, this goes firmly in the category of One More Goddamned Windows Misfeature To Turn Off. Hooray.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: HELL F**K NOOOOOOO...

          why so dark? You'll be able to ask it to turn off all those features for you and then turn off itself and never re-default to auto. Hopefully.

    3. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

      Re: HELL F**K NOOOOOOO...

      It's bad enough getting my laptop to "start up" without me drinking 3 coffees and smoking 3 ciggies

      You clearly don't have a Mac - that would be "3 soy lattes and 3 vape refills and one vial of beard oil[1]" :-)

      (I cleaned up the "start at login" settings on my Mac - it's amazing how much old cruft was there - even stuff left over from applications that I removed years ago! That's what happens when you migrate from Mac to Mac and don't actually start from fresh at one migration..)

      [1] I've had a beard for many, many years [2] and I have yet to purchase said mysterious oil..

      [2] Shaving hurt. So I stopped shaving with the (eventual) consequence that I have a beard. Fortunately, my wife is entirely happy with the situation and, on the very rare occasion that I remove it, wants me to grow it back as quickly as possible. A less secure person might wonder why..

      1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

        Re: HELL F**K NOOOOOOO...

        A less secure person might wonder why..

        Seems reasonable to me. I've seen hairless cats; I don't think I'd want to see a shaved CrazyOldCatMan.

      2. Tim99 Silver badge

        Re: HELL F**K NOOOOOOO...

        I recently replaced on Intel iMac with a shiny M3. I made the decision to do a clean install and just load the software I was actually using; with my mail, calendar, and documents. I've been retired for a while, so I realized that I no longer needed Parallels VMs for all the Windows stuff I had written. The new disk drive's contents were 170GB smaller than the old one.

  4. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    It's called copilot, because the fans are going to spin so fast, the laptop will be taking off.

  5. Usage Lapsed

    Windows Share

    No I don't want Co-Pilot to even run on my OS without me doing a specific install, but then it's M$ so what do they care. We need some more creepiness providers so the EU can say bundling it is anti-competitive and rip it out.

    What also gets me, is why on Earth "Microsoft has updated the Windows share window to share URLs directly to WhatsApp, Gmail, X, Facebook, and LinkedIn, and dealt with an issue..."! Just provide the framework and if you install the unwanted associated application, then add it to the share system (like android), don't just build it in.

    With how they write their software lately, it wouldn't surprise me if we find that on opening it, it pings a load of info to them regardless if you have an account or not.

    1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

      Re: Windows Share

      The problem is that corrupt regulators are no longer bothered by these things.

      After all they can say "Just install Linux or other operating system."

      1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

        Re: Windows Share

        Maybe instead of downvote say something to the contrary?

        So far all these big corporations screwing the customers and tax payer are doing just fine and regulators are "struggling" to do anything about it...

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: Windows Share

          You might get less downvotes if you were to cite sources for sweeping generalisations.

          1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

            Re: Windows Share

            Do you want a link to Microsoft, Apple, Meta, Google, Fujitsu and the likes websites to see they are still up?

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Windows Share

            fewer, sorry!

        2. Headley_Grange Silver badge

          Re: Windows Share

          It corrupt must corrupt be corrupt all corrupt those corrupt Reg corrupt readers corrupt and corrupt their corrupt voting corrupt corrupt corrupt....

    2. captain veg Silver badge

      Re: Windows Share

      No idea what possible hellish novelty that might be. A quick wikipedia search didn't help. Explanations?


  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hello. I'm Clippy. You're fucked.

    How do I make sure it never gets installed?

    Failing that, how do I remove it?

    Linux, in one if it's flavours, is looking more and more attractive, despite the learning curve (and my thickness)

    1. 43300 Silver badge

      Re: Hello. I'm Clippy. You're fucked.

      This helpful article tells you how to automate removal on W11 23H2 (which has Copilot installed and pinned to the taskbar by default, whether you like it or not) - I've tried this and it works:

      We can hope that they don't enforce auto start, but come on, who are we kidding? Of course they are likely to - they are clearly determined to force their latest shiteware on everyone, and this sort of tactic is pretty much expected these days.

      1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        Re: Hello. I'm Clippy. You're fucked.

        All very well on a corporate PC 'managed' by Intune but less useful on a home PC..

        1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

          Re: Hello. I'm Clippy. You're fucked.

          Someone out there has probably posted Powershell commands to do it, which you could wrap up into a script that also removes other unwanted Windows "features", such as all the XBox crap.

          I know, this is still far from ideal. But if you have a Powershell script on a USB drive, it's easy enough, on the rare occasions you install Windows, to open an Administrator command prompt, plug the drive in, and run the script.

          Though having said that, I've never gotten around to doing it myself. Instead, when a new Windows laptop is forced on my by my employer, I spend the better part of a day going through Settings, Add/Remove Programs, Add/Remove Windows Features, Services control panel, Local Security Policy editor, Group Policy editor, and Powershell commands I have to look up each time, getting rid of cruft. It's just not quite often enough (happens every 4 or 5 years, as I opt out of equipment "refreshes" when I can) for me to have taken the time to automate it.

          1. 43300 Silver badge

            Re: Hello. I'm Clippy. You're fucked.

            Yeah, you can do it with Powershell scripts. I did try that first and could do it manually, but kept running into problems when trying to automate it - at which point I found the above instructions and tried that, with more success.

  7. Annihilator

    I misread this as Microsoft were sticking Copilot in charge of an experimental new version of Windows and genuinely thought “ah well, it couldn’t be worse…”

    Annoyingly for me, Copilot is also the name of a brilliant satnav app for smartphones (before apple and Google did turn-by-turn directions) and I still have a fondness for the name. Not for much longer I reckon.

    1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

      Copilot is also the name of a brilliant satnav app for smartphones

      Yup. I used it for many years (from the Sony Clie onwards - with a bluetooth GPS unit). Stopped paying for the upgrades when I got a car with built-in GPS.

      1. Annihilator

        How TomTom remains in business is beyond me

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          re. How TomTom remains in business is beyond me

          perhaps they've been bought by some obscure fund that belongs to some absolutely unknown fund that is in need of showing a 'loss' to offset it against something else? Mind you, I never used the term 'money laundering'...

      2. captain veg Silver badge

        I had some Tom Tom navigation app on my Treo, might have been the same one.

        No GPS, but it worked usably well just off GSM cell data.

        Not perfect, though. It once directed me down rue d'Alsace in Paris, next to gare de l'Est. Fortunately I was on a bicycle, since that road has a staircase about halfway along its length.

        These days I use Google maps. I don't want to, but what to do on Android?* (I don't mind paying.)


        *I'm trying to switch to a UBP device. Haven't yet got the Android subsystem working at all, and so have no navigation so far. Suggestions?

  8. Omnipresent Bronze badge

    I'm just glad

    that some kid coder using the AI killed off my WIFI. Life has been so peaceful and quiet.

  9. cageordie

    Death to Copilot

    Like Clippy, back in the 90s, the first thing I will do when they start this automatically is spend the necessary time to murder it. I don't want any 'help' from a jumped up chatbot.

    1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: Death to Copilot

      It looks as if they never learned from the Clippy experience. But then they never did learn from anything.

      1. 43300 Silver badge

        Re: Death to Copilot

        What they mostly seem to 'learn' is that if take-up of a crap idea is low, the 'solution' is to try ever more intrusive measures to push the next crap idea onto those who don't want it!

  10. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

    Oh... I'll bet the security bods will be onto this

    and looking at what data is sends to god knows who without asking for permission.

    Then they'll find buried deep in the the licence that you clicked through years ago, you gave MS permission to share anything it wants to with anyone it chooses.

    Then we'll see businesses all over the world blocking every sire that MS sends to which MS will change on a daily basis.

    And so the game of cut and mouse goes on.

    Meanwhile the Linux and MacOS users sit back and laugh at the next big screwup that MS is inflicting on itself.

    1. m4r35n357 Silver badge

      Re: Oh... I'll bet the security bods will be onto this

      Screw-ups? I reckon they are taking bets how much shit they can fling at their victims^H^H^H^H^H^H^Husers and get away with it !

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Thanks for confirming my decision to install ZorinOS in my laptops, Microsoft.

  12. AusMatt

    Big win for ChromeOS

    I'll be moving my elderly parents to ChromeBooks instead of Windows 12. Particularly since they don't want to spend money on an unnecessarily powerful machine.

    These are the end times for Microsoft. They will rue they day their management went all in on so called AI.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Big win for ChromeOS

      Do you know how much data those chromebooks send to Google?

      As for AI? I'm sure that Google will be infesting their babies (aka Chromebooks) with the AI Virus very soon.

      Yes folks, AI is a Virus and once caught, you will obey your AI Masters (aka The Borg) or be exterminated.

  13. ldo Silver badge

    Trapped In An Abusive Relationship?

    There seems to be this mentality among people who would rather complain about something that inconveniences them, rather than make the effective decision to remove the inconvenience from their lives.

    1. BrownishMonstr

      Re: Trapped In An Abusive Relationship?

      We're a bunch of luddites, here, mate. You'll just be downvoted to oblivion.

      Copilot, in my opinion, could be a wonderful addition and can be useful to get you that presentation 70%.

    2. Ken Hagan Gold badge

      Re: Trapped In An Abusive Relationship?

      Some of us have jobs that, from time to time, require us to support someone else's computer. That computer is nearly always running Windows more or less the way Microsoft provide it. I don't have the authority to fix it, and quite often the "someone else" doesn't either. We both just have to put up with it.

      Removing the inconvenience from my life would, in this case, also remove the income so if you don't mind I'll just carry on complaining about the abusive relationship, thanks.

      1. ldo Silver badge

        Re: Trapped In An Abusive Relationship?

        For your sake, I hope you are getting paid big enough bucks to make it worthwhile. Otherwise you are suffering the double handicap of shortening your life as a result of your raised blood pressure, and having less wherewithal to enjoy your life with.

  14. thosrtanner

    A. What is a 27 inch WIDE monitor? When you look at screen sizes they give you the diagonal

    B. Not going to buy a 27" wide monitor in that case.

  15. EricB123 Silver badge

    Put AI Where it Belongs...

    I say put AI back in the Japanese toilets, where it actually can do some good.

    1. David 132 Silver badge

      Re: Put AI Where it Belongs...

      To quote Futurama, as they’re flinging a toilet with twin joysticks into an e-waste dumpster:

      “Sorry, overly complicated Japanese toilet… you know too much!”

      “Please, no! I give you… happy poopy time!”

  16. navarac Silver badge


    Reading this, I'm glad to have dumped Windows.

  17. FIA Silver badge

    As well as the Copilot experiment, Microsoft has added support for the latest iteration of USB4, which ups the speed from 40 Gbps to 80 Gbps, assuming one has the appropriate hardware to hand.


    The latest version of USB4 can hit 120 Gbps.

    I know technology moves quickly, but that's impressive!

  18. prh99

    I just assumes it was matter of time before they tried forcing it on people, that seems to be what they do with their latest "hot" (over hyped) toys. They forced Cortana on Windows 10, now it's CoPilot.

    Glad I got out when 11 came out.

  19. This post has been deleted by its author

  20. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Autoopen is easy to turn off if it hits you. Can't see they will mass adopt that. Like having a browser page launch by default. Not many will want it. It is just a Dev test for now after all.

    Without that, all it does is add a Copilot button next to the Seach bar. If you ignore it, it doesn't do anything. Doesn't listen for your voice unless you open it and click the microphone button, etc.

    1. Ball boy Silver badge

      Easy to 'turn off', is it?

      Fair enough but there's a point of principle here. At idle/unused state, it may 'only' be a few handles, some loaded DLL's (or whatever Borkzilla use these days) some memory, a few system calls here and there - but all these little bits add up. Add in all the other cruft and it goes a long way to explain why the machine specs need to be so damn high. They also introduce a larger attack surface. I find all this harder and harder to justify when the purpose of the OS is, I thought, to allow me to interact with applications I choose to install.

      1. 43300 Silver badge

        Re: Easy to 'turn off', is it?

        A clean OS is not the Microsoft way though, is it?

        Most of the work in designing the configuration for business machines is removing the crap and mitigating the bad design decisions (e.g. centre-aligned taskbar).

  21. MJI Silver badge

    Filled with dread

    As I need a new PC, starting to get the odd component failure, one of the HDDs is failing despite being second newest.

    Tempted to get really overblown PC and run Windows in a VM for the few bits of software requiring them.




    Something video edity

    Something 3D CAD


  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    copilot the petulant child AI

    one issue I have with the damn thing is they made it a petulant child.

    if you spot it telling you bollocks and you then tell it, it then sulks and refuses to continue forcing you to change the subject

    1. David 132 Silver badge

      Re: copilot the petulant child AI

      Well they could have an alternative personality that’s an overly-protective nursemaid, and call it “Eddy”.

      Several more pints please, the world’s about to end.

  23. anthonyhegedus Silver badge

    Work in progress

    Why is this PC operating system the only tool in existence to never be finished and always be a "work in progress"?

    Micro$hit just won't stop fannying around with their OS and making it do new things on startup. It started with that annoying news thing that you just have to brush the mouse pointer on for a nanosecond to cause it to pop up with clickbait batshit nonsense. Then it was Teams, even if you don't have or want it. Lately I've seen XBOX apps pop up - on business computers. And then annoying popups begging you to give feedback on some new feature that you only just saw and also don't need.

    Now it's going to be some AI copilot which can't actually do anything useful other than write poems about cats or tell you that it can't use copyrighted material.

    If only there was an alternative...

  24. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Microsoft is experimenting with having Copilot open automatically

    I'm sure the decision to have it open automatically and stay on automatically has already been made, we're just at the early stages of less and less gently feeding this idea to the users. By any opening, and through, if need be. It's like the later mutations on the Alien, soon you won't even realise that that inner voice in your head is not your superego, but your MS super 'friend'.

  25. m-k

    USB4 can hit 120 Gbps

    shouldn't it be USB5 then? Or at least, a USB 4.3 v.2.4 pre-release* ?

  26. SammyB

    First thing on the ToDo list - Turn that monstrosity off

    First thing on the To Do list - Turn that monstrosity off

  27. steviebuk Silver badge


    ....set Autopilot to disabled.

    Word of mouth, why can't these big corps understand word of mouth. Forcing shit on people makes people hate shit more than they already hate shit.

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