I sympathize with Linus.
I'm also in Oregon near Portland. We got temperatures down to 12F (-11C) yesterday, which was particularly pleasant when our power went out at 8:30AM - and with it our water. The wife and I spent the day huddled round the log fire, with a propane heater and two electric ceramic heaters running off our generator - for all the good they did, I might as well have been waving a Swan Vestas match around. The house dropped to about 40F (4C) despite our best efforts (on a brighter note, I now know that I need to re-do the draught stripping around one of the doors - its hinges on the inside were coated in ice...)
Unlike Linus I didn't have to run a kernel merge window, although I did have to keep dozens of ducks and a couple of goats alive and thawed. No I won't swap with him :)
Fortunately our power came back on unexpectedly this afternoon (thanks heroic PGE linesmen!), but looking at the 'leccy company's outage tracker I see they still have 4100 outages and about 80,000 people affected - I do hope Linus isn't one of them. This weather is brutal.