It's still there. It's still widely used and will continue to hold a dominant position for quite some time, I suspect.
Twitter, the social media service now calling itself X, executed a 30 percent reduction in its Trust and Safety staff globally after Elon Musk's acquisition in October 2022. That 30 percent cut includes shedding 80 percent of its safety engineers and half of the moderators, according to a report from Australia's eSafety …
But it's letting the wrong ones speak!
eSafety Commissioner Julie Inman Grant said: "It's almost inevitable that any social media platform will become more toxic and less safe for users if you combine significant reductions to safety and local public policy personnel with thousands of account reinstatements of previously banned users. You're really creating a bit of a perfect storm."
WTF is a 'local public policy' person, and why did Twatter need thousands of them? Why not just a few lawyers who can determine if the speech is legal, or not. And if the thousands of previously banned users were banned for political reasons, isn't restoring free speech a good thing?
Why is it so many politicians are so opposed to allowing free speech? And now let the downvotes begin, to demonstrate what happens when you let fascists determine the rules. Or ratios..
WTF is a 'local public policy' person, and why did Twatter need thousands of them?
Evidently to make Twitter comply with each country's laws around the world.
Why not just a few lawyers who can determine if the speech is legal, or not.
Can a few lawyers in the US check thousands of messages from around the world which are flagged every day?
And if the thousands of previously banned users were banned for political reasons, isn't restoring free speech a good thing?
Elon Musk’s Twitter Is Still Banning Journalists for Simply Doing Their Job
But, in a series of sporadic tweets, Musk claimed that the journalists had violated his new “doxxing” policy by sharing his “exact real-time” location, amounting to what he described as “assassination coordinates.”
Old news it seems. But good'ol Twatter never had a problem with doxxing, providing it was the 'far right' being doxxed. Not sure what the Vanity Fair article was about given most of it was hidden behind their godawful and probably non-GDPR compliant cookie acceptance filter.
Much funnier is the new wave of exploding heads Musk has caused by pointing out that 'cis' (Not Co-op Insurance Services) is heterophobic. But I see the hate speech thumbs are getting their usual workout..
If right wingers were getting banned, it's because they're the absolutely worst when it comes to posting racist, homophobic and transphobic crap. And now that they're back, it as become an ever worse cesspool that it ever was before Elmo took over. There's a reason advertisers have run away from the site.
So, a two paragraph reply with nothing substantial in either paragraph and certainly no cited sources.
If it's the cis-outrage, here you go-
“Cisgender” is now a powerful linguistic equalizer: a counterpart to “transgender” that suggests, regardless of whether you identify with the gender you were assigned at birth, the English language will treat you about the same.
Think is it's a gender filled pronoun, and it's offensive, even downright illegal to misgender someone. I am, and probably always will be just 'male', not 'cis'..
So basically what you're confirming is you're unable to make any further rational comment around freedom of speech but you're quite happy to bang the incel drum all day on an IT board. Good to know.
You kind of make my point. How swiftly lefty fascists resort to slurs and insults. Why would you assume I'm an 'incel'? Or even celibate at all? But for the hard of thinking, if it's offensive for me to refer to someone as a 'trans-woman', rather than just 'woman' or their preferrred pronoun, why wouldn't it be equally offensive (as well as redundant) to refer to a male as a cis-male?
This post has been deleted by its author
"Elon Musk bans several prominent journalists from Twitter, calling into question his commitment to free speech"
"Elon Musk’s Twitter Is Still Banning Journalists for Simply Doing Their Job"
Did you actually read the articles that you made links too, if you did then what exactly did you find surprising about Musk being upset about those reporters ?
One reporter was doxxing Musk in real time and the other was apparently banned for reporting positively about Matt Walsh's hacker.
One reporter was doxxing Musk in real time
Reporters were banned for writing stories mentioning @elonjet which was already banned in Musk's previous tantrum.
Literally every plane callsign and its flight tracking information is public information, but Musk was not aware of that.
Then in anther tantrum, Musk threatened Sweeny (owner of the Twitter bot) with legal action claiming some nutter attacked his car which, you will notice, is not a jet.
and the other was apparently banned for reporting positively about Matt Walsh's hacker.
The word "apparently" is doing some heavy work there. The reason given by Twitter was thunderously stupid, but "distributing hacked materials" was probably the only thing they had in their ToS with the word "hack" in it.
Musk's reasons are nonsense and don't stack up. Have a bit of dignity and don't be a Musk simp.
Literally every plane callsign and its flight tracking information is public information, but Musk was not aware of that.
Oh, he's aware of it, alright. But like fatasses everywhere, he thinks that he's somehow special, and so his callsign and flight info is supposed to be treated differently and withheld from the hoi-polloi, because ... well, Elon.
One rule for thee, another for me!
Pardon? Why are Musk it so many Maga/gop politicians are so opposed to allowing free speech?Is the question.
And yet it's those on the extreme left that have determined the greatest threat to democracy, or-
In international relations, the liberal international order (LIO), also known as the rules-based international order (RBIO),[1] or the rules-based order (RBO),[2] describes a set of global, rule-based, structured relationships based on political liberalism, economic liberalism and liberal internationalism since the late 1940s
But has been slowly redefined into something extremely illiberal, authoritarian or just plain fascist. So politicians parrot RBIO whilst locking up their political opponents, stealing assets, imposing mass censorship for wrongthink etc etc. Germany's 'Christian Democrats' want to ban Afd, the US is desperately trying to lock up Trump, and some old fart rambled in his campaign speech that the greatest threat to democracy are the people who might choose to vote against him.
Twitter's just part of this. How dare people that don't think like us have a voice? How dare they challenge or question our official misinformation? I also think Musk just enjoys trolling the lefties because they seem to hate everything, and are remarkably intolerant and thus easy to provoke.
If you knew anything about "economic liberalism" history, you'd know that it was first put to work under a Benito M. in Italy, or close to our time under a Augusto P. in Chile.
Both of these revered leaders are well known for their extreme views about freedom of speech.
And both were lauded by the like of "The Economist" and "The Times" (London version, as well as the NY one).
Both of these revered leaders are well known for their extreme views about freedom of speech.And both were lauded by the like of "The Economist" and "The Times" (London version, as well as the NY one).
The Economist has always been a fan of "rules-based international order", when it suits them. An interesting spin on this is developing at the moment-
On Thursday, Iran's navy seized a US-linked oil tanker in the Gulf of Oman as part of a long-running row between the two nations.
And the Grauniad expands on it here-
The tanker, previously called the Suez Rajan, was renamed after a long-running court case led to 980,000 tonnes of Iranian oil being unloaded from the ship in Texas last September.
So the US stole the tanker and the oil, Iran's taken it back, we've now escalated another conflict. Politicians in the US and UK are asking if our respective 'leaders' had any authorisation to start a war with another country. Democracy has certainly changed a lot this century. Been great for US oil exports though. Iran next?
"Why not just a few lawyers who can determine if the speech is legal, or not."
There were nearly 200 countries on this planet last time I looked. It might be mind-blowing to imagine, but they have differing laws...
"And if the thousands of previously banned users were banned for political reasons, isn't restoring free speech a good thing?"
Mr. First Amendment with his "Free Speech" lol. I think you're more interested in encouraging hate speech. And banning someone for hate speech isn't a political move, despite what you might think.
I think you're more interested in encouraging hate speech.
Well, I do seem to attract a lot of hate from the left here..
And banning someone for hate speech isn't a political move, despite what you might think.
It is when you're very selective about who's voices you choose to silence. It's fine to hate on MAGA, because making America great is such a terrible idea. It's fine to hate on everyone to your political right, because they're all racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic etc etc..
"Well, I do seem to attract a lot of hate from the left here." That you assume everyone who disagrees with you is "the left" proves you aren't too bright and are bigoted and paranoid. As does your 'hate' claim. You exhibit the standard far right fascist problems of connecting with reality.
You exhibit the standard far right fascist problems of connecting with reality.
Again, you make my point for me. As the original story points out, it's the Left that's defining new 'hate crimes', unless they're directed against conservatives. Trump is the reincarnation of Hitler, or the antichrist, and that kind of hate speech is perfectly fine it seems. Even the term 'fascism' has been quietly redefined to be 'right wing', even though it's primary characteristic is authoritarianism and state control. The left is determined to censor and restrict free speech, 'correct' unofficial misinformation and supress any kind of debate that runs contrary to their narrative.
But then the useful idiots use simple mirroring and projection to project their own authoritarianism onto their opponents. Again it's pretty simple, the further you slide to the left and into fascism, the further right anyone who doesn't share in your groupthink appears to be.
"Again with the hate, and practicing psychology without a licence. Odd thing is that although people have objected to being described as 'left', none of them have denied it.."
I'm not practising psychology, I'm telling you that you need to see a psychologist. A subtle difference...I know.
As for "left", your problem is that anyone who disagrees with ypo is deemed' left' and if one states one is not, as I have intimated, you refuse to acccept it. i.e you reject reality which is a hallmark ogf fascism.
And again, you make my point for me with the usual use of projection and mirroring. I choose the terms 'left' and 'fascist' deliberately, because as you say, a rejection or reality and substitution with their own version is a characteristic of the left, fascists and previous Twitter 'moderation'. So is redefining language, ie males or females become 'cis'. Debate because 'hate speech'. People who disagree with the left's subjective reality become 'Hitler', Nazis, bigots, homo & transphobes, or just 'extreme MAGA Republicans'. And of course moderate becomes extreme, along with 'moderation'.
It's nothing new, and various critical thinkers have warned about this-
But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.
Which of course lefties have been busily doing by demanding strict censorship of dissenting views, deplatforming etc etc. All because people on the left either didn't read Popper's words carefully, or don't realise that they are the intolerant. As demonstrated here. You, at least have attempted to engage in rational argument.
But control of 'social' media has become a big issue for the intolerant, and fascist. You can't say X, you can't discuss X. If you do, you will be banned. Official misinformatin is not misinformation, it is the fascist's version of the truth, even if it's incorrect. We've created a whole industry to manage that official disinformation, and pre-Musk Twitter engaged in it wholesale. Sadly, many on the left seem to think intolerance and censorship is a good thing, while steadily being fed a diet of misinformation that further distorts their own reality. Trump really did steal the election from Hillary, therefore the tolerant were perfectly justified in rioting, looting and demanding his removal. Trump is, after all the Antichrist and reincarnation of Hitler, so Democrats locking up their main political rival and demonising his supporters is perfectly 'democratic'.
But it's insidious. Normally, alleged 'news' sites like the Bbc report on journalists detained without trial, or killed during detention. So they report on the big stories of the day, and forced captivity-
Bear rescued in Ukraine shelling gets home in Five Sisters Zoo
But haven't bothered reporting on the death of an American journalist, detained for criticising the Kiev regime in a Ukrainian jail-
US journalist Gonzalo Lira jailed and ‘tortured’ by Ukraine has died – family
Which is a little awkward, especially after Tucker Carlson ran a story about his detention, and then Musk picked it up and asked the US government for comment. A few other journalists have also raised the subject at official White House press conferences. Now that Lira has been killed, the White House has tougher questions to answer. Or maybe it's just relying on the 'MSM' and social media not to mention it..
Judging by the fact you have a reg silver commentard badge, and your comment history appears to be entirely downvotes, I have inferred these badges are granted for 'participation'.
I have very little more to add to this shitpost but it's always nice to see a bit of frothing lunacy from a real human. LLM based trolls are far less trope ridden, and give a far better surface appearance of an original thought. Nice to see you haven't yet been replaced by a disappointingly short Perl script in these trying times.
Replying primarily on the offchance you can upgrade yourself to golden turd.
as the basement dwellers say.
Judging by the fact you have a reg silver commentard badge, and your comment history appears to be entirely downvotes, I have inferred these badges are granted for 'participation'.
Pretty much. Although I do also have a lot of upvotes. But yes, commenting on 'controversial' topics tends to attract the opposable thumbs, who are quick to demonstrate their tolerance of diverse opinions and inclusivity.
> But yes, commenting on 'controversial' topics tends to attract the opposable thumbs, who are quick to demonstrate their tolerance of diverse opinions and inclusivity.
Huh. Are you suggesting here your thumbs are not opposable? That would explain a whole bunch. I take it back, for a chinchilla, your grammar is on point. Pity about the spelling, semantics, and basic grasp of reality.
You know that each downvote is someone's speech, yeah?
Facism is when there is only an upvote button and you're compelled to press it.
Oh what a surprise, a free speech warrior who doesn't understand the first thing about free speech.
We're all mostly all grown-ups. We can make our own minds up as to the veracity of posts. If you need protecting from a Xitter post then maybe you shouldn't be let out unsupervised.
Dr. Warren: Why, oh why did you do it Jerry.
Jerry Hickfang: Mr. Whiskers, he makes me do bad things.
You've got the wrong end of the stick, these people were not there to opine or adjudicate on the veracity of posts, simply to try and keep at bay the howling abusive morons who flock to any platform that lets them spew their limited brains out.
If people tried voicing or sharing many of things that appear on social media in a normal bar, they'd get a probably well deserved punch in the face. Online that moderating influence doesn't exist, that's what the moderators were there for.
You've got the wrong end of the stick, these people were not there to opine or adjudicate on the veracity of posts,
And yet that's what a lot of them did. Twat mods ToS'ng doctors and scientists for wrongthink around the cough..
simply to try and keep at bay the howling abusive morons who flock to any platform that lets them spew their limited brains out.
If only Twitter and X had some way to allow users to choose to follow, unfollow or ignore posters. Or perhaps that concept is just too hard for the average leftie to grasp. Or they're maybe they're afraid mimetic viruses will intrude their thoughts, Snowcrash style. Or the far left really are just fascists..
"If only Twitter and X had some way to allow users to choose to follow, unfollow or ignore posters. Or perhaps that concept is just too hard for the average leftie to grasp"
X was Twitter. Maybe you should be telling your Führer Musk as he disabled those options. Or perhaps that concept is just too hard for you, an obvious fascist, to grasp?
X was Twitter. Maybe you should be telling your Führer Musk as he disabled those options. Or perhaps that concept is just too hard for you, an obvious fascist, to grasp?
And we have a Godwin! With a poor grasp of history. Nazi Germany was heavily censored and made full use of political supression and opression. The modern Left is just repeating their examples. Oh, and is this wrong?
'Nazi Germany was heavily censored and made full use of political supression and opression.' Just like Musk and his buddy Trump and the MAGAts. Remember Trump has already made it very clear he will not tolerate opposition and intends to be a dictator. Maybe you should listen to and read what he says / writes.
Remember Trump has already made it very clear he will not tolerate opposition and intends to be a dictator. Maybe you should listen to and read what he says / writes.
Perhaps citation needed?
Or you should just stop watching The View. It's the Democrats who say those things, not Trump. They're terrified that Trump may actually try to 'drain the swamp' and end corruption and political interference in US politics. After all, he's just experienced this rather directly. Whether it's a desperate NY AG's attempts to use obscure consumer law to seize his NY business and exile him, or this-
A process server delivered the subpoena to Willis’s office on Monday, according to a court filing reviewed by the Wall Street Journal, which first reported the subpoena. The subpoena requests Willis to testify in the divorce case involving her top prosecutor Nathan Wade and his wife Joycelyn Wade.
Although 'top prosecutor' might be a stretch given Wade's lack of experience in prosecuting these types of cases. Very well paid for his services, however. Americans should probably be more concerned about the way their justice system has become highly politicised, and corruption. Or just the free publicity Trump has been getting. Or just the way Nikki Haley's sprang out of nowhere to become controlled opposition..
Trump has declared on Fox News that once elected he would be a dictator for 1 day.
Are you saying that Fox News is propagating false information?
Note that with dictatorship powers for only 1 day it is enough to do lot of things that wouldn't require to keep them afterwards...
'Perhaps citation needed?'
and hundreds more.
'Or you should just stop watching The View.' What's that?
'The motion further claimed – without evidence – that Willis and Nathan Wade traveled together to vacation destinations including Florida, Napa Valley and the Caribbean.'
'Roman cited unnamed sources close to Willis and Wade, claiming they confirmed a “personal relationship” between Willis and Wade during Wade’s divorce proceedings.
The subpoena didn’t include details on the sorts of questions Willis may face, according to the Journal.'
So, more unsubstantiated bs.
> And we have a Godwin! With a poor grasp of history.
I'm just gonna leave this here.
Creator of Godwin's Law Says It's OK—and Necessary—to Compare Trump to Hitler
"Those of us who hope to preserve our democratic institutions need to underscore the resemblance before we enter the twilight of American democracy."
Being a self confessed Magat, the move you are trying to make is invalid old chap.
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
> If people tried voicing or sharing many of things that appear on social media in a normal bar, they'd get a probably well deserved punch in the face.
You've just precisely described the nature of online discourse. Imagine being in this bar and trying to engage in an intelligent exchange of views when any a-hole in the bar can come across and scream vitriol into your face.
> Online that moderating influence doesn't exist, that's what the moderators were there for.
What if it's the moderators that are brigading and trolling their own forum?
Critical Trolling: Abstract: ‘This thesis explores the political and critical implications of an emergent network phenomenon known as "trolling,"’
Musk has the, common in the US, misconception that free speech includes hate speech, bullying, racism and so on.
I have free movement in my country but that free movement does not give me the right to abuse that freedom by wandering around hitting people, driving at 99 mph or waving my favourite body part out the window.
Do you see the similarity?
The first thing that enemies of fire speech do is call all speech they don’t like “hate speech”, “bulling” etc.
This includes both National Socialists and Communists in the countries where they got power.
If you did not know North Korean propaganda insists that there is free speech in North Korea, they only “ban lies and hatered”.
in the USA, Free Speech is the ability to speak your mind without government interference, nothing is said about anything else.
And yet after Musk took over Twitter, he discovered there was a lot of government interference, with demands to remove posts and posters. Although a different jurisdiction and different rules, Australia, the EU, the UK are all currently interfering with what they think should be permitted on X. All that should be necessary is a simple process stating that "This post is illegal per <whatever statute>, please remove it'. Of course the problem with politicians is they have a bad habit of creating new, inconsistent laws like 'hate speech', and then abusing them.
"Australia, the EU, the UK are all currently interfering with what they think should be permitted on X"
I don't mean to come across as condescending, but you are aware the first amendment doesn't work on the shores of other sovereign nations, right? Not even including, as others have mentioned, that this constitutional right you keep invoking does not actually mean what you think it means.
First amendment says "I can call Trump/Biden/Musk/[Insert name here] a useless cuck" without me immediately being vanned by the eff bee eye.
Nothing more, nothing less. I still have the right to kick you out of my living room if I disagree with what you say, because I am not, in fact, a branch of government, and you are in my house.
But let's face it. You already know this. We all know that you know this. We're all dancing this dull pantomime in the hope for a tiny drip of dopamine because it's the weekend and we all have far too much free time. The sad thing is you're bringing nothing entertaining or new to the table here. I know you think you're being edgy, but edge-lording Q nonsense is so 2020. The lulz have been milked dry. Kony 2012
I don't mean to come across as condescending,
And yet you do..
but you are aware the first amendment doesn't work on the shores of other sovereign nations, right? Not even including, as others have mentioned, that this constitutional right you keep invoking does not actually mean what you think it means.
You don't say. And yet I said..
Although a different jurisdiction and different rules, Australia, the EU, the UK</i.
And I'm pretty sure I didn't mention the First Amendment, but have been mostly mentioning free speech. Sometimes known as freedom of expression, which is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Australia, the EU, the UK and even the US have all signed up to that-
<i>Article 19 of the UDHR states that "everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without interference" and "everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of his choice".
Again, with caveats, ie-
The version of Article 19 in the ICCPR later amends this by stating that the exercise of these rights carries "special duties and responsibilities" and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary "[f]or respect of the rights or reputation of others" or "[f]or the protection of national security or of public order (ordre public), or of public health or morals"
Which has allowed the illiberal to interpret Article 19 broadly. So doctors and scientists discussing public health or public order wrt Covid may have been banned from Twitter for possible Article 19 violations, or if Federal employees requested bans because the discussions went agains policy, those employees may have violated the First Amendment. Much the same with people banned for daring to discuss Hunter's laptop because the content of that showed a clear lack of morals, and also public health issues.
I don't agree with, but can at least understand the mass culling when Xitler took over. He saddled the new company with billions in debt and had to try to figure out some way to make up for it. He probably would have been significantly better off just being a silent owner and leaving things to run as they had, but that's a well trod subject. What makes no sense, is that you come along and actively allow people back on who were banned for good reason. That's just begging for exactly this kind of scrutiny. It'd be one thing if he just chose to look the other way if these people created new accounts, but to go out of his way to reinstate those already banned accounts is just the height of either arrogance or stupidity, maybe both. It just goes to show all he really wants is the attention that fuckwits on the far right side of the political spectrum will shower him with for doing these things, because they've convinced themselves that they aren't being banned because they acted like fuckwads who didn't think the rules applied to them, but because of their political beliefs.
It's almost sad to see how Xitler sold his legacy for immediate gratification. If he'd kept his mouth shut and just let the Tesla and SpaceX minders do their job, very few people would have any clue what an enormous douchbag he is, not to mention incompetent business executive. He would have gone down in the history books as the guy who made EVs a thing to most people and was the head of a company that did some pretty impressive advances in rocketry. Instead, now he's going to go down in history as a racist and antisemitic asshole who somehow manages to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory on the regular. All because his ego needed regular fluffing.
I covered that in my post.
It just goes to show all he really wants is the attention that fuckwits on the far right side of the political spectrum will shower him with for doing these things, because they've convinced themselves that they aren't being banned because they acted like fuckwads who didn't think the rules applied to them, but because of their political beliefs.
I don't care if he goes away angry, sad, hungry, or bloated... just as long as he goes away. I'm still very much in favor of stuffing him in a rocket, aiming it towards Mars, and launching the thing. Doesn't matter if it blows up on the launch pad, suffers some catastrophic failure en route, or makes it all the way to Mars successfully. Xitler's no longer our problem in any of those scenarios.
The rise of the far-right worldwide is worrying. In some countries like the US (but not only), it became mainstream, and it becomes normal to propagate hatred... For some it's even normal to storm a parliament and try to change a popular vote by force... and the populace of bigots, racists, xenophobic and other scums applauses the one responsible for that, and is really to elect him as "The Guide", even if he's a criminal.
History lessons are forgotten. Not surprising seen how education is despised, underfunded and instrumentalised. Sad days are coming.
I'm guessing you'll refuse to answer, but doesn't hurt to ask: What's the going rate for being a troll on El Reg these days? And where do you find these jobs? Are they on something like Amazon's Mechanical Turk? Craigslist, like when the Trump campaign was trying to hire actors to make it seem like the crowd was really pumped to listen to the ramblings of an incoherent senile old man? Is it a rider on a Tesla/SpaceX/Xitter contract that you have to spend X hours a week promoting Xitler on the Interwebs? Maybe you're one of those economic migrants in SW Asia who end up being forced to work those fake tech support scams. I just have to assume that when you were a child, you didn't say to your parents, "I want to be an Internet troll!" I have to assume you had loftier ambitions than that, so... what happened?
You never have a look at the French media, do you?
The Bolloré group, over a few years, has normalized the extreme-right party formerly known as Front National, using all the media it controls (TV, press, politicians).
The last laws about immigration are coming straight from that party program.
The new government put in place this week has almost only people from the far side of the right party "Les Républicains", with a token young gay character to lead it (nothing to do with the French joke that "les politiciens sont tous des enculés").
For some it's even normal to storm a parliament and try to change a popular vote by force...
True. So in 1971 and 1983, far-left groups detonated bombs in the Capitol. Then in more recent times-
May 30-31, 2020: During the nationwide protests following the murder of George Floyd, BLM protesters tore down barricades around the White House, set fires, threw projectiles, and forced President Trump to hide in a bunker. Over 150 federal officers were injured in the riots
Part of those 'fiery, but mostly peaceful protests' that CNN famously reported on where 'peaceful' protestors set fire to public and federal buildings, attacked police officers, and of course demanded the removal of Trump.. How quickly people forget.
You seemingly failed to attribute (,_D.C.) your copy and paste from Wikipedia.
As you will know, having presumably read that article, the stated aims of the 1971 and 1983 bombings were protest at the US bombing of Laos and the US invasion of Grenada respectively, so not really to do with trying to change the result of a popular vote.
But you did conveniently not quote other entries such as this one, etc:
August 19, 2021: A North Carolina man named Floyd Ray Roseberry parked a truck loaded with his attempt at an improvised explosive device near the Supreme Court and Library of Congress. He threatened to detonate his bomb unless Donald Trump was reinstated as president. He also claimed there were other bombs he had placed in the city
The constitutional and legislative frameworks of Australia is very different from the US.
We don't have a Bill of Rights and our nearly immutable Constitution generally has very little to say about the individual.
So we don't have "rights" as US citizen might understand but we have both Federal and State legislation addressing a number of distinct concerns that does place limits on what can and cannot be said or published. Our defamation laws are a bit archaic (eg no public figure test, limits on the defense of truth or public interest) so not too difficult to be on the wrong end of libel or slander proceedings.
Try performing a NAZI style salute in central Melbourne and see where you deservedly end up.
I imagine any major platform would need a lot more than a handful of third rate US lawyers to keep the content on their platforms on the right side of Australian legislation.
In the not too distant future I can see X being blocked in AU for infringements, non-compliance and contempt. I don't see X fans (being able to) configuring VPNs to feed their addiction. :) Not that Musk would give a rat's as AU is pretty small beer.
"Not that Musk would give a rat's as AU is pretty small beer."
He did give all of the Ozzie Cybertruck reservation holders back their money (after admitting there won't be any officially being sent down under for years and years, if ever).
Australia is still a major player in the world so not being there is a big hole in a corporate sense.
You have at least one backer here, for the most part. You're barking up the wrong tree here though. Leftists view anyone who disagrees with them as dangerous, because disagreement is dangerous to their ideology. Consider how many remainers there are on this site, upset that they lost a layer of unelected government.
And you are correct on the propensity for violence that the leftists have. Leftist will group together and physically attack those that disagree with them, yet will call someone on the right violent for nothing more than saying, "I disagree." And, we're tired of it. The pendulum is swinging the other way.
Now, to bask in the tears of leftists as they thumb me down. Go on then leftists, make with the badges of honor.
What you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
You have at least one backer here, for the most part. You're barking up the wrong tree here though. Leftists view anyone who disagrees with them as dangerous, because disagreement is dangerous to their ideology.
I know this, you know this, and by the actions of the lefties here, more people may start to realise this. As neatly demonstrated by 'aerogums', who's replies to most of my posts with nothing but insults. Thus demonstrating Popper's 'Tolerance of Intolerance' thing by showing they can't engage in rational debate. Especially as in this case, it's just copypasta of 'the ultimate insult', without realising it addresses none of the points you made. Not sure if it's copyright from Billy Madison, but it's widely misquoted..
As neatly demonstrated by 'aerogums', who's replies to most of my posts with nothing but insults. Thus demonstrating Popper's 'Tolerance of Intolerance' thing by showing they can't engage in rational debate. Especially as in this case, it's just copypasta of 'the ultimate insult', without realising it addresses none of the points you made.
You bemoan others engaging in insults, and then make a rather milquetoast attempt at insulting me. How does that work again? And, if you ever posted anything actually worth engaging in, you would see plenty of people willing to do so. This isn't a case of, "I disagree with you, but understand your position," this is, "You are just repeating the same nonsense you heard on Fox News." There's no real point bothering to engage with you because you personify the phrase, "I reject your reality and substitute my own."
You bemoan others engaging in insults, and then make a rather milquetoast attempt at insulting me. How does that work again?
I thought it was a little creative, evoking the wind flapping your gums as it whistles through your empty head. You found the 'ultimate insult', and simply copied and pasted it. After many previous posts where you've been nothing but insulting. Don't you like it when I mirror your style? Don't you find it at all ironic when the topic is deplatforming people who use 'hate speech', when this is all you do? You obviously have found quite a few of my posts worthy of engaging in, because you have.. Sadly without adding anything to the debat. Popper again..
> by the actions of the lefties here
Everybody is on your left.
> who's replies to most of my posts with nothing but insults
Your posts are ridden with insults, slung at your imaginary enemies (not adversaries, enemies). Your psyche does not fight enemies. It makes, relishes, and needs fictitious enemies whose unavowed real purpose is to elucidate your own personal failure in life. Your paranoia has taken over whatever judgement capability you ever had. You yourself are an insult to intelligence and measure.
> Tolerance of Intolerance
You decry intolerance. Yet you want to have the first word, the last word and all the words in the middle.
> it addresses none of the points you made
You don't make points. You seem to believe that by depicting reality the way you want it to be, it will magically, through the alchemy of your wondrous words, cast itself into your incoherent Weltanschauung. Just like your idol and saviour, Trump.
The vast majority of your posts are unrelated to IT. What's your real purpose in this forum?
Your psyche does not fight enemies. It makes, relishes, and needs fictitious enemies whose unavowed real purpose is to elucidate your own personal failure in life. Your paranoia has taken over whatever judgement capability you ever had. You yourself are an insult to intelligence and measure.
I don't need fictious enemies as I seem to find plenty here.
A simple question for you though. Would you describe yourself as being on the political left, or right?
But again someone attempting to psychoanalyse without a licence, and doing it badly. If you understood basic psychology, you'd understand stuff like arousal, or provocation, and the way that can be used to trigger more subconscious responses. Which is perhaps a fancy way of saying that trolling lefties is like shooting fish in a barrel, and exposing their fascist tendencies is simple.
As for the IT angle, that should be obvious. The article is about Australia pressuring a private entity to censor conversation in a way that suits it's policy, in contravention with Article 19 of the UDHR, of which Australia is a signatory. Some people seem to thing this is desireable to ban 'hate speech', yet I've attracted plenty of 'hate speech' from people who also seem to think that curtailing Article 19 is a GoodThing(TM). And because many governments are doing the same thing, with demands and threats against IT companies that operate social media platforms, the enemies of free speech are very real, and far from fictitious.
And some fascist governments are even taking things a step further, eg the EU's proposal to create a shadow CA so unspecified agencies can eavesdrop on HTTPS connections at will.. Can't remember El Reg running an article on this proposal, but perhaps they should?
> "I don't need fictious[sic] enemies as I seem to find plenty here."
Yeah, somehow the same people get bullied at school, can't find a partner in life, don't get along with colleagues, quarrel with neighbours, and get negative feedback in online forums. While, oddly, others seem to be loved by everybody. Big mystery indeed.
Yeah, somehow the same people get bullied at school, can't find a partner in life, don't get along with colleagues, quarrel with neighbours, and get negative feedback in online forums. While, oddly, others seem to be loved by everybody. Big mystery indeed.
Yet more projection? But you kind of have a point, probably without realising it..
A relationship between intolerance and homophily, a preference for interacting with those with similar traits, appears when a tolerant person's relationship with an intolerant member of an in-group is strained by the tolerant person's relationship with a member of an out-group that is the subject of this intolerance.
You believe you're a member of the 'in-group', I am not a member of that group, therefore it is your duty to attempt to ostracise me. Writ large, this is also the rationale behind attempts to pressure social media companies to censor the out-group, and also proposals (or efforts) to create 'social credit' systems. Conform with the in-group, or be punished. This is, of course pretty much the definition of fascism, yet something our governments seem hell bent on creating. Biden was elected promising to heal the US political divide, yet has spent most of his term demonising 'extreme MAGA Republicans' with escalating rhetoric. This is obviously bad for democracy, along with society in general.
And even if you think current Western governments aren't a bunch of hypocritical fascists, the next one might be, and do you really want that government having the tools it needs to oppress and ostracise you?
You're not "ostracised" as Jellied Eel. We're just tired of seeing your posts hogging 30% of the bandwidth with zero technical - let alone interesting - content. This is not Breitbart news, Qanon or Fox news forum. You're welcome to contribute interesting comments. Just cut the crap.
You're not "ostracised" as Jellied Eel. We're just tired of seeing your posts hogging 30% of the bandwidth with zero technical
The royal 'we' again, and from an anonymous troll. Yet I keep pointing out 'technical' stuff, like the paradox of intolerance, or the way government censorship, as is the subject of this article conflicts with Article 19 of the UDHR.. and all you (and others) can respond with are yet more tired insults. You are obviously pro-censorship and restricting those rights. 'We' get it..
> The royal 'we' again, and from an anonymous troll.
Plenty of different people. with different handles, not just ACs have expressed their concerns. In this section and in others. Stop pretending.
The vast majority of your comments, in this forum, irrespective of the topic treated under the article, is not technical but far right fringe ideological. Stop pretending.
Jellied Eel In Five Words: Every accusation is a confession.
Just like pretty much every other asshole on the fringe right, it's like in their mind they think that because their first instinct is to fuck over everyone else it must mean that everyone else is trying to fuck him/her/it over, so they have to fuck the other person over faster and harder. It never even seems to occur to them that maybe there are people out there who aren't just looking to screw over the next guy and don't view the world as a zero-sum game.
Oh, Brilliant. Now we know we have the privilege to read the gibberish of two bat-shit crazy fossils who think they can make the world be what they would like it to be by spending half of their day polluting this forum with their alternate facts and reality. God have mercy on us.