AI not needed in search
Just decent results would keep people happy.
Not that many years ago searches on Google were acceptable, but now they are fairly dreadful.
These days I use a variety of search engines (also has the advantage that people will often use "right to be forgotten" on Google to hide embarrassing info that is useful to know e.g. "financial advisor" with an old fraud conviction - it may have legally expired* but arguably relevant for people to be aware of it before entrusting their savings. Using a non Google engine can sometimes reveal such "hidden" information.)
I also tend to use meta search engines more often these days (that pull data from various search engines to (hopefully) get results that are not too screwed up by any one search engine being totally useless on the request I gave) - (usually dogpile but not always)
* they may, in that example, post fraud conviction, be a reformed & legitimate character, but knowing all their history allows potential clients of that person to make a better informed decision (some people will be fine with accepting them as a redeemed character, others may take the view once a crook, always a crook)