If someone's trying to sell you somesecureAI, it's snake oil
Predictive and generative AI systems remain vulnerable to a variety of attacks and anyone who says otherwise isn't being entirely honest, according to Apostol Vassilev, a computer scientist with the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). "Despite the significant progress AI and machine learning have made, …
Are you saying that the entire profession of "Marketing" is equal to the dubious profession of Grift?
Pretty much true, except for the very few genuine cases where a customer who doesn't actually know what they want or need, meets an advertiser who is actually honest. Those events are pretty rare.
IT has always has a security/performance tradeoff.
Passwords limit utility to those with the passwords
Security limits peformance
Increasing the speed pf password entry attempts make it easier to brute force the logon.
Peformance limits security
Locks prevent access.
security limits performance
Higher dimensions allow walls to be bupassed.
Performance limits security
For AI it gets a bit more complex.
Some of the goals of AI:
Fair and just
For AI Accuracy and creativity are similar to performance
Creativity and Accuracy are obviously at loggerheads
Creativity gets around security.
Accuracy tells secrets.
Fair and just are concepts that our civilisation created to make a collection of inherrently homicidal maniacs get along with each other in crowded and highly competitive environments.
Fair and Just is made up of a fabric of lies, insanities, obsessions, phobias, motivational manipulations and self deceptions that attempts to confine our natural behaviours into a patterns that stops us from eating each other's faces off.
Trying to get an AI to deal with Fair and Just is the most likely contributor to an AI apocalypse.
There is never going to be a general solution to this.
Poisoning attacks are what captured and captive mainstream media organs/moguls/corporations have long employed and deployed to steer easily led and fed humans in a particular thought direction most desirable for an elite chosen few. Sweet honeypot traps and loads of flash crashing fast cash the once simple and attractive but now turned toxic and destructive mainstream weapons of choice to snare and tame prey and turn opposition into the cuckold that is compliant competition.
Its effectiveness against an opposing or competing adversary is completely lost however, whenever the secret self-serving unshared private reason for the base lure of the modus vivendi/operandi is known ....... and it is not possible to mitigate such knowledge escaping and advancing and augmenting intelligence with it then being most likely able to be more than just extremely troublesome and catastrophically destructive to hostile enemy foe and fake friend alike.
Is that where y'all and IT and AI is presently at, and are things already moved on much deeper and darker into the future lights that lead to the ways ahead, El Regers, for a Right Choice Few ‽ .
Obviously is it thought so here where we are all at.
You managed to achieve the quantum superposition of a question mark and an exclamation mark! I know we are only talking about an 8-bit quantum super-expression, but this is still miles ahead of Google and IBM. There is method to your madness. And to think we saw it here first.
"And to think we saw it here first."
I'm pretty certain amfM has been using the interrobang here on ElReg for years now, on and off.
The ligature itself has been around for over 6 decades. I can set up my Linotype machine to generate it.
But can you actually poison something that is inherently untrustworthy?
And how can you augment intelligence with something that is born of incorrect, incomplete and incompatible data which are more often than not also corrupt and stale?
Garbage in, garbage out.
I've been round the block numerous times in my career.
Never have I seen so many intelligent people fall into a new-tech (GPT) trap, making it something it clearly isn't.
It doesn't take much to prove it's mostly show and nowsubstance.
Back in the dim-distanxe, the first thing I was tough in the early 80s was 'Garbage In, Garbage Out'. GPT et al are still proving it exists.
Evasion attack - disguise: fake beard or mask.
Poisoning attack - telling well chosen (or not so) lies to idiots: the whole US political process.
Privacy attack - the shadows you cast: when Soufflé Girl deleted the Doctor from the Dalek mind hive* and when he subsequently erased all other records of his existence he was still defined by the hole his removal left.
Abuse attacks - disfigurement: graffitiing a moustache on a portrait possibly with certain banned symbols or gestures.
The value(?) AI is adding here is making its dismal output more credible to the polloi but as the anti-vax, Ivermectin and general Covid nonsense demonstrated, a frightening proportion of the population will believe just about any codswallop.
*Sorry look it up :)
It's pretty common for roundups on AI vulnerabilities to focus almost entirely on the LLMs -- inputs to the training, extraction from the model, etc. That's what this paper does. It's sort of annoying since most people using LLMs aren't the ones building them. If training data is stolen from OpenAI's GPT4, what consequence does that have for a user of GPT4? Probably none. There could be consequences if OpenAI trains on some poisoned data set, but most users aren't in a position to do anything about that one way or another and the LLM is likely to make up answers regardless.
People developing AI features, but not working for one of the big companies developing AI models, need to worry about a different class of attacks that can target Retrieval Augmented Generation and other widespread patterns. For example, vector databases are commonly used to enable AI queries over private data. And vector databases can be reversed back to their inputs using "embedding inversion attacks," which are pretty potent, but largely ignored or unknown by those covering AI security. It's a shame because there are absolutely things that users can do to protect themselves from some of these attacks.