Re: Ban Microsoft Windows
Most of the "haters" here dont understand how ransomware actually works.
It uses legitimate cryptogrphic alogrythms to encrypt data. ( If it were me I would use an ECDH derived AES key meaning I only need the vicims public key to recreate the encryption key and smite the victims private key upon encryption)
The encryption key is deleted from the local system and stored on a C&C server.
Message displayed to user "give us crypto or we delete our copy of the key also!"
Guess what else supports legitimate cryptography? Every modern operating system! I have no actual proof but I would suspect most ransomware uses OpenSSL or BouncyCastle or some other open source crypto library as developing your own is hard, porting it to Linux would probably take a day but its just not worth the effort as most people / businesses that can afford to pay the ransoms use Windows.
Microsoft are shit in some things, yes but I would argue that if <Insert OS Name Here> were as widespread as Windows ,being applied to the same multitude of different hardware combinations, having the same ammount of applicaitons being written for it etc. then we would see a lot more issues with <Insert OS Name Here> and a lot more attacks / malware developed for those platforms. Malware and Intrusion are a business, there has to be a cost / benefit analysis. Would I rather invest months of work writing Malware for the Amiga or Windows 11? Which one is more likely to give me quick ROI? Sure the Amiga stuff wont be detected or remediated (probably ever) but theres only 100 people in the world using one so the chances of any money are slim to none! Look at the rise in recent (15 years) malware for Apple products, before the iPhone generation Mac / IOS based malware was basically onn existant because... why bother whern its only the odd graphic designer or music creator that has a Mac?
<sarcasm> Now if we were to bake in back doors or ban all cryptography, that would work right? </sarcasm>
I dont have the answer but I sure as hell know banning Windows is just a silly suggestion, Im no M$ lover but lets be realistic!