Threats to the UK NHS
There's not enough discussion and comment from the Regtards on this dreadful story. Perhaps because there are so many factors it's difficult to know where to begin. Fundamentally, we may have a genuine threat against the future of humanity. Yes that's a monster claim and I'm not entirely serious, but there are pernicious factors that need to be nipped out now.
Allow me to put down a few starters, for further discussion.
American Healthcare Giants make untold trillions from the controlling position they have created - regulatory capture I think they call it.
Consider the "last dollar last day" pricing of drugs for terminal conditions - allowing a free market pitches the value of life against the value of money - just like meeting the grim reaper, "all I own for one more day?"
Our NHS pricing (aka NICE) keeps them honest, and is a huge embarrassment. It reveals their cartel.
In fact, the pure existence of the NHS - which treats maybe three times the patients for the same money - is unwanted proof that the "free to all" model works. But for this example it would soon be accepted that such things can never work.
Our pesky insistence that medical drugs cannot be advertised to the public is under sustained threat, and is starting to falter. Look at the TV advertising for what is just a combination of ordinary painkillers, paracetamol and ibuprofen, and the price they charge - versus just combining the generic medications and taking two tablets. The promotion and branding of these trivial combination medicines is a huge moneyspinner, and the big pharmaceutical companies are desperate to let it loose over here.
On a much darker note, the promotion of "non-addictive" opiods has resulted in what, 500,000 deaths in the USA? - never mind the "less than death" adverse outcomes. Purdue Pharma are offering $6bn of the $18bn they salted away (my figures from memory) - and sure, go round again...
Allowing parliamentary lobbying to continue in its current form must stop. We are setting our mild and well-intentioned MP's against the world's best with regard to influence and control. These people will deconstruct any target psyche into bits, and work from there - look at the individualised text messages to American voters on social media. There's no need to bribe or blackmail any more. Donald Trump managed to get elected, and later to get Congress stormed, using manipulation of opinion alone.
Now look at how the new Palantir contract has been signed and delivered - including all the redactive measures to ensure it cannot be scrutinised. You can't get this from bribery or force, it needs full-on psychological conviction - the target needs to get it past all the colleagues, committees, civil service, legal - without being aware he is being carefully coached in each of his arguments. Quite possibly - and the numbers are speculative - this might be an individual MP pitted against a team of twelve, all expert in finding the motivations, convictions, principles of otherwise decent people, and corrupting them.
What chance does even the best well-intentioned MP have against all this?
Well, oversight within parliament helps - but this seems to have been breezed through, contracts already awarded. Our final line of defence is openness (i.e. non-secrecy) - and the independent scrutiny this allows, forever. What we see here is psychological control with careful elimination of all countermeasures.
It is not Regulatory, but more Parliamentary Capture.
We cannot sit by and let this happen.