back to article How do you teach a robot dog new tricks? Throw it a string of hex, a crayon, and a canvas

Boston Dynamics' "Spot" robot dog has been deployed as a tour guide, a police officer, and a warehouse worker. At the National Gallery Of Victoria's Triennial in Melbourne, Australia, it's now doing duty as an artist. Spot's human handler is Agnieszka Pilat, who told The Register she first saw Spot as a new celebrity and …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Watch out artists, AI is coming for your jobs too! You can join the rest of down the dole office. And Banksy.

    I wonder if AI artists will need to creep round forever trying to cadge grants, or will that tradition be lost?

  2. HuBo Silver badge

    man’s need for heroism

    Nice examples at, under "about", "current", and other tabs. The "Nude Descending in Hot Pink" should be an instant hot-robodog classic! The piece under "Waymo Guest Artist 2018" (About tab), a deep reflection on RotM, just plain delicious!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: man’s need for heroism

      Thanks for the link! Spot's quadruple quadruped self-portrait is truly revealing, beyond skin deep, en-line-tening, in a mostly vertical and horizontal sense ... (must see)

      1. HuBo Silver badge

        Re: man’s need for heroism

        A Joan Miróbotdog tribute, on the 40th anniversary of his passing?

  3. Version 1.0 Silver badge

    Is this evolution continuing?

    Humans may be replaced by AI and robotics in the next few thousand years ... could this help explain how we think we are seeing alien space craft visiting our planet? It's hard to see that any form of biological "life" could travel around the universe, taking thousands of years to visit new planets but when you think about AI robotics then maybe this is how life has evolved everywhere elase ... are alien spacecraft flown to each planet with AI "bots"? Is the evolution of life everywhere just starting with fish walking out of the ocean, evolving into monkeys climbing trees, growing up to create cell phones, social media, and then AI and Robots, so that "we" can eventually be flying around the universe?

    This is not a joke, I just see it as a potential explanation for our evolution in the next few million years.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Is this evolution continuing?

      OMG, I don't eat monkeys but I love eating fish ... is that an evolution failure?

    2. Blue Pumpkin

      Re: Is this evolution continuing?

      Asimov’s robot books touched on something similar, where the visiting robots were assumed to be the earth lifefoms.

      I forget the title (as I’m not a robot) but am sure someone will remind me.

      1. The lone lurker

        Re: Is this evolution continuing?

        Victory Unintentional

        1. Blue Pumpkin

          Re: Is this evolution continuing?

          Thank you !

  4. Howard Sway Silver badge

    Understanding how bots can contribute to art is her interest

    She's gonna be very disappointed when somebody shows her an XY plotter.

    1. John Miles

      Re: when somebody shows her an XY plotter.

      or even an XYZ plotter - i.e. 3D printer

  5. chuckufarley Silver badge

    Wot I think...

    ...Is that another artist has discovered the media of automation.

    GLHF in 2024!

  6. xyz Silver badge

    That bloody thing...

    Creeps the hell out of me. Apart from that, happy new year to all.

    1. HuBo Silver badge

      Re: That bloody thing...

      ¡Feliz año nuevo para ti y tus padres adoptivos también (¿trazadores xyz?)! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Fiesta!

      ¡Hasta la pasta!, baby!

      -- besos a todos de T-1000, versión Speedy roboratón!

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: That bloody thing...

      Then I can highly recommend the TV series "War of the Worlds" 2019.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The robots are like kids.

    no, the robots are not like kids (in at least one essential way and I don't mean irrelevancies that annoy some adult humans). That said, from an observer's point of view, you can draw many false parallels about 'robots are like...', this looks good in media.

  8. Claverhouse

    Very Cute

    And the 'dog' as well.

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