Year End Reminiscing
Thank you for the memory lane, which pretty much spans my career in this sector, which much of it spent in the carrier / service provider space.
My fascination at the beginning was with ISDN and SDH as deterministic technologies, followed by (Frame Relay and) ATM. I was obsessed with QoS which I thought was absolutely vital for services such as digital voice and video. And it probably was at the time, with other packet based technologies such as Ethernet and MPLS and real time, rate adaptive codecs for voice and video still in their infancy.
I remember talking to a client about their Cisco CallManager installation (early 2000's) and they told me they ran it on a LAN that didn't have QoS enabled. I could not believe it at the time and asked them about performance. Some 500 staff used that system in a single building (calls out still relied on ISDN30) without any complaints from staff. Their view was that bandwidth overprovision made QoS on the LAN irrelevant to them.
Today, I see their outrageous opinion as visionary. It has borne out in reality where people work from home on domestic Wifi with voice and video calls.
Another outrageous opinion came from a UK local authority IT director who said around 2010 that he would like to see his whole council just communicating over the Internet - not via an MPLS VPN. To me he was a total heretic at the time, but I think today this would be (almost) entirely possible.
Keep them coming please, always willing to learn.
While some may not stand the test of time, others will and may prove to be prophetic!