No comment on how this has been received by Prime members?
Conservatively, there were at least 100 "WTF is this bullshit?" posts on Reddit alone. Prime was originally the way that members got two day shipping for free, but Amazon has rolled back the two day shipping to two business days if it's available locally. So it might actually take a week for something to reach you from the other coast of the US. If it is in stock. If it is out of stock it will get to you sometime. If you spend enough they also ship for free anyway, and usually in the same time. So if you find advertising really unacceptable, and you don't feel like adding another $36 on top of the recent Prime price rise... well there are other vendors. It will be interesting to see how many people quit Prime. When Disney+ offered to increase the price or show adverts I cancelled that. What is the upside to me of them unilaterally changing our contract only a couple of months into the contract period? Do the free-with-ads videos become $3/month without ads too? That would be something worth considering.
Are they also going to show adverts on movies I 'own'? Do I lose access to things I 'own' if I quit Prime?
But as it is I think I am just being screwed. I won't watch adverts. If it is intrusive I will cancel.