FFS .... yet another ill-defined vague 'Request for Magic' Project.
How is it possible to generate such a craptacular 'RFT' that has already been identified as a failure before the responses have been received !!!
This smacks of yet another clever way to give a project to one of the 'usual suspects' with enough leeway to justify doubling/tripling the original cost on day One, due to 'unforeseen' issues / project creep.
The only thing this will deliver is enormous commissions for the Sales-people and small/medium country GNP sized profits for the Consultancy !!!
I predict that the project will, as per usual, be 5 years late / 3 times the original tendered price and deliver less than 60% of the functionality required !!!
I expect it will be discovered that there is less than 50% commonality of process / procedures between the HMRC, Department for Transport (DfT) and Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) which will *only* be discovered after the tender has been awarded to the 'Usual Suspect', so costs will have to be re-negotiated .... on day One !!!