back to article China’s e-commerce players commit to broaden overseas

Amazon is set to open an innovation center in the Chinese city of Shenzhen to assist Middle Kingdom businesses increase exports – an effort that aligns with the likes of Alibaba and the wider Chinese e-commerce industry. "By supporting sellers' communication, learning and innovative practices, we aim to enhance the …

  1. Fr. Ted Crilly Silver badge

    Hmm yeah about that.

    Time for China's international subsidised postal rates for 'developing countries' to be removed yes?

    1. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

      Re: Hmm yeah about that.

      That would make sense, but no doubt the "wolf warriors*" would start moaning about it.

      * China's name for them. I tend to think of them as the "all mouth, no trousers" brigade.

  2. David 132 Silver badge

    Oh, goody.

    More generic tat on Amazon from companies with names that look like players' letter racks in a game of Scrabble.

    "Hmm, do I buy this "geniune Leenovo" laptop battery from HWUIVOZ, or from EWRTERO, or from JIKCVUL? So hard to choose..."

    Hey, Amazon, how about you focus on improving product quality and employee conditions, rather than funnelling as much Chinesium crap as you can into our homes?

    1. RedGreen925 Bronze badge

      Re: Oh, goody.

      "Hey, Amazon, how about you focus on improving product quality and employee conditions, rather than funnelling as much Chinesium crap as you can into our homes?"

      What and deny the parasite corporation even more profit, surely you jest, improving work conditions or quality goods control only get in the way of that.

      1. HuBo Silver badge

        Re: Oh, goody.

        China should pivot its economic model to that of a service economy. Manufacturing is passé and mass consumption of cheap goods only leads to the growth of unsightly mountains of malodorous garbage, everywhere.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Amazon is already full of Chinese knock offs and products of questionable safety. If you really want to roll the dice on questionable stuff just shop on Temu etc.

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