I suggest kneecapping for the culprits.
Hundreds of suspected people smugglers have been arrested, and 163 potential victims rescued from servitude, as part of an Interpol-coordinated operation dubbed "Turquesa V" that targeted cyber criminals who lure workers into servitude to carry out their scams. The international law enforcement agency on Monday unveiled …
These fuckers need to be tried quickly and publicly then jailed for decades with no benefits or parole. It needs to happen so that any other cunts wanting to try the same can see that there are consequences to enslaving people in order to scam other victims. It has to be world wide. Any bonkers regime not agreeing to this need to be sanctioned to the hilt and no trade participated in with them. By bonkers I mean any nation that thinks it is above the law. NK, Russia, rogue African states, the USA, some Eastern European nations etc. No mercy. 8 billion people should be able to trump any fuckwit-run state that allows this to happen.
Kneecapping and burning at the stake would also be acceptable for those where guilt in 100% proven. The world needs to deal with this before it gets even worse.