"studios must obtain explicit consent and compensate performers for using their likeness"
Way to go!
Google wowed the internet with a demo video showing the multimodal capabilities of its latest large language model Gemini – but some of the the demo was faked. In the demo below, Gemini seems to be able to respond to a user's voice and interact with a user's surroundings, looking at things they have drawn or playing rock, …
Google simultaneously posted a video showing how the advertisement was made, and linked to it in the description of their Gemini post.
Maybe the issue is the journalists, who's job is to research their stories, were too quick to hit the publish button instead of establishing the background information and informing their readers?
Isn't that what they're doing here. The article doesn't say "Google faked the video and tried to hide it", it just tells us how Google admitted that what they showed was not representative of what their software actually does. The journalist is correctly reporting on Google's announcements to provide the information that someone viewing the video might not have understood.
And if Google hadn't made a faked video, they also wouldn't have spent so much time hyping it either. At least The Register did the proper thing, found the admissions that Google had to make, and covered them. It would still have been better if Google hadn't made up the content of their video, even if they did tell the truth elsewhere. In their defense, that's a lot less blatant of lying than several other companies like to do, but it's still not very good.