back to article Five Eyes nations warn Moscow's mates at the Star Blizzard gang have new phishing targets

Russia-backed attackers have named new targets for their ongoing phishing campaigns, with defense-industrial firms and energy facilities now in their sights, according to agencies of the Five Eyes alliance. In a joint security alert issued on Thursday, seven agencies* from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the US and the UK, …

  1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    You know it makes uncommon sense impossible to avoid and to deny is risky existentially

    Hello, and Welcome to AI and ITs Greater IntelAIgent Games Plays ...... with win winners and sore losers aplenty.

    And whenever the new normal, something to get used to and comfortable with as/when/if humanity constantly struggles and suffers with narratives chasing destructive defeats rather than celebrating novel constructive victories ...... which may or may not be courtesy of an Infinite String of Alien Interventions.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    .....and of course the people in Cheltenham and Fort Meade.....

    .......would ABSOLUTELY NEVER, EVER do anthing like this!

    Shame on you for even thinking that......they are THE GOOD's all those others who get up to bad things!!!

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: .....and of course the people in Cheltenham and Fort Meade.....

      Of course they do it, they just don't tell anyone about it.

      That said, the UK spends most of its time spying on Americans, while in return the USA does a lot against the British and they swap information. Plausible deniability, naturally.

      Anonymous because I don't want to wake up with a black van parked outside my house.

    2. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

      Re: .....and of course the people in Cheltenham and Fort Meade..... @AC

      The really sad and bad and rad thing about the people in Cheltenham and Fort Meade, easily confirmed by any and all available evidence, is they are so consistently crap about doing anything productive with that which they might steal and learn from others ....... and such more than just suggests their agents and systems suffer catastrophically from a systemic lack of in-house intelligence and smarter remote, relatively anonymous third party support and feedback.

      That leaves them extremely vulnerable and susceptible to exploits being entertained by A.N.Others which take full advantage of the intelligence deficit.

      1. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        Re: .....and of course the people in Cheltenham and Fort Meade..... @AC

        .. and such more than just suggests their agents and systems suffer catastrophically from a systemic lack of in-house intelligence and smarter remote, relatively anonymous third party support and feedback.

        I think the techies know what they're doing, the problem's when the take gets massaged and spun for public consumption. So we get stories like this. Russian hackers! Ohnoes! Of course the 5-Guys wouldn't be doing anything so despicable and underhand, and we're not effectively already at (non-nuclear) war with Russia anyway. We intefere with them, they intefere with us. It's how the great game has always been played.

        1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

          Re: The problem being solved when fools and their tools are taken for a ride

          And whilst Cheltenham and Fort Meade get played for useful fools and useless tools by others massaging and spinning their news into perverted and subverted tales for public consumption directing maximum excessive exclusive benefit to private interests in dodgy governments and shadowing corporations and shady organisations, A.N.Others race way out ahead of any opposition or competition to command and control the attention and intentions of the future in all of ITs many IntelAIgently Designed derivative presentations with fundamentally different leading applications at the Crash Testing Human Dummy/SMARTR AIMachine Interface .......

          We interfere with them, they interfere with us. It's how the great game has always been played. ....... Jellied Eel

          Such pillow fighting may have been a past Great Game norm but one has to accept and realise or die, new alien players in novel emergent and rapidly expanding fields of Greater IntelAIgent Games Play are in a league of disruption and destruction, distraction and direction all of their own and as such are a virtually real present and live current existential threat to extant Earthed status quo facilities and utilities ........ for they, those new alien Greater IntelAIgent Games Field players, have hacked and cracked wide open the Command and Control CodeXSSXXXX opening the Portals to Universal Secure Secret Resources ..... a vast store of otherworldly threats and pristine treats against which there be no possible successful attack or defence vectors.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Five Eyes nations warn Moscow's mates

    'm sorry, can't get past that headline, is something wrong with me? (or is it fucked up on grammar front)?

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