I don't know about casting current actors to play Musk or Zuckerberg but either would do nicely plaing James II & VII http://www.combermere-restoration.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/James_II_when_Duke_of_York_-_Lely_c._1665.jpg
From Joaquin Phoenix to Rowan Atkinson, we enjoyed your Musk movie casting calls
Although Musk: The Movie remains on the drawing board, we were delighted by the reader response to our question of who should play the part of the great man himself. Sure, Will Ferrell and the medium of expressive dance might have won the day, but considering the squawks of incandescent rage being emitted in recent days, if we …
Saturday 2nd December 2023 11:34 GMT hitmouse
Stephen Root in a mashup of his roles as Jimmy James (NewsRadio), Milton with the stapler* (OfficeSpace) and late-stage Monroe Fuchs (Barry) would capture it all.
Maybe the next Xitter logo should be a red stapler.
Soundtrack song: "Musktwat Love" opening with the America version, closing with Captain and Tennille.
Saturday 2nd December 2023 11:46 GMT Boris the Cockroach
"we were delighted to note the esteem in which Musk is held. ®"
Indeed, Musk is the living messiah, destined to take humanity onwards and upwards... anything he does is to be worshipped and revered, and no task set by him is too lowly for us mere mortals to do.
<brief break while the nurse makes me take my medication>
Naw Musk is someone who got a lucky break that made him pots of money, then spent too much time playing Kerbal space program while smoking said pot.
But its great that hes working so hard to destroy X/twitler....so hopefully BBC news will have to go out and do journalism again
Saturday 2nd December 2023 12:50 GMT PghMike
Christopher Walken
I'd vote for Christopher Walken to play Musk. Walken does 'psycho' pretty well, and the odd speaking cadence of his characters matches Musk's to a T.
But Kermit the Frog also would be good -- odd speaking cadence, inability to make eye contact (no eyes!), same thin lipped smile.
My wife says Walken's too old, though I think Musk looks a lot older than he is. She suggested Adam Driver, who also can deliver lines with a quirky cadence.
Sunday 3rd December 2023 08:59 GMT Bebu
although Musk does have a certain air of Blackadder about him
Baldrick surely (with lashings of the prince regent.)
Blackadder was reasonably intelligent but rather unlucky with his misfortunes compounded by the idiots around him.
I don't really think Musk is actually very bright but fairly lucky with his good fortune compounded by the clever people around him,