More than One Way to Burn Conferees
There's also incompetent live event administration, or even active intent to defraud. Every non-manager on our software team had signed up to hear Laura Chappell (a network analysis expert) speak at the Windows 2000 release event/conference in San Francisco. When we showed up at the doors for her talk, we were told there was no more room. W.T.F.?!! The conference organizers knew, in advance, how many seats were available for that talk. The conference organizers took our company's money, in advance, for our seats at that talk. At the appointed day and time, they failed to deliver. Our managers ineffectively tried to get us in. I don't know if our company ever got their money back. It may not have been intentional fraud, but it was at least gross incompetence.
(Icon, 'cause yeah, I'm still pissed about it.)