back to article Banned US chipmaking equipment still ending up in China, says report

US bans on exports of advanced chipmaking equipment to China are not working, according to a report from the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission. The 741-page report [PDF] says that US president Joe Biden's export controls on advanced computing and semiconductor manufacturing equipment "substantially impact China' …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Gallagher challenged that dinner must be a little awkward if the conversation were to switch back and forth between the quality of the meal and "extrajudicial internment of over a million Uyghur Muslims."

    Xi could easily counter, saying that interning them is better than bombing them.

  2. elsergiovolador Silver badge


    I wish the chipmaking equipment landed here in the UK.

    Those fishes need proper chips.

  3. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    US chipmaking equipment ?

    It might be US embargoed but it's Dutch and Japanese chip making equipment.

  4. thx135

    Money talks. Forget human rights, IP robbery, ecological disaster et al.

    1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      Honestly, if a large corporation with China as a major or potential market (which is most of them) didn't put some effort into schmoozing the Chinese, the board might well want to know why not. I mean, I couldn't do it, but that's one of many reasons why I'm not an executive.

      There are certainly CEOs who get away with making political statements that might be unpopular with some customers (and some governments). It helps to be able to appease the board and shareholders in other ways, of course, such as by showing consistent growth. But for many, this sort of thing is part of the job they've been hired to do.

      Conversely, criticizing them for it is part of the job that some politicians are elected to do, so pretty much normal behavior all 'round.

  5. SP2000

    Dinner Dad Joke (Groan)

    All those execs lining up to dine with Xi know which side their bread is buttered on.

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