Zionism is the idelogical basis of a Zionist State Terrorist Group
Yet in the early days, the Zionist movement was astonishingly honest about its existence as a form of colonialism. For example, Herzl, one of the founders of political Zionism wrote in 1902 to infamous colonizer Cecil Rhodes, arguing that Britain recognized the importance of “colonial expansion”:
“You are being invited to help make history,” he wrote, “It doesn’t involve Africa, but a piece of Asia Minor ; not Englishmen, but Jews . How, then, do I happen to turn to you since this is an out-of-the-way matter for you? How indeed? Because it is something colonial.”
Nordau, Herzl’s right hand man, even rightfully called Zionist settlements in Palestine “colonies”:
“Zionism rejects on principle all colonization on a small scale, and the idea of “sneaking” into Palestine. The Zionists have therefore devoted themselves preeminently to a zealous and tireless advocacy of the uniting of the already existing Jewish colonies in Palestine with those who until now have given them their aid and who of late have inclined towards the withdrawal of their support from them.”
Menachem Usishkin, chairman of the Jewish National Fund, was known for his calls to rid Palestine of its natives:
“What we can demand today is that all Transjordan be included in the Land of Israel. . . on condition that Transjordan would be either be made available for Jewish colonization or for the resettlement of those [Palestinian] Arabs, whose lands [in Palestine] we would purchase. Against this, the most conscientious person could not argue . . . For the [Palestinian] Arabs of the Galilee, Transjordan is a province . . . this will be for the resettlement of Palestine’s Arabs. This the land problem. . . . Now the [Palestinian] Arabs do not want us because we want to be the rulers. I will fight for this. I will make sure that we will be the landlords of this land . . . . because this country belongs to us not to them . . . “
Revisionist Zionist Vladimir Jabotinsky, in an essay titled The Iron Law (1925) wrote that:
“A voluntary reconciliation with the Arabs is out of the question either now or in the future. If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find some rich man or benefactor who will provide a garrison on your behalf. Or else-or else, give up your colonization, for without an armed force which will render physically impossible any attempt to destroy or prevent this colonization, colonization is impossible, not difficult, not dangerous, but IMPOSSIBLE!… Zionism is a colonization adventure and therefore it stands or falls by the question of armed force. It is important… to speak Hebrew, but, unfortunately, it is even more important to be able to shoot – or else I am through with playing at colonizing.”
These quotations are merely the tip of the iceberg, but lest you think I am cherry-picking and choosing out of context passages, I invite you to read their original writings. There are only so many mental gymnastics you can perform to try and find a different meaning to “Zionism is a colonization adventure.” One of them is the claim that the Zionists adopted this kind of language only to convince the great imperial powers. It must have been a pretty convincing act, then, as its practice is still ongoing after over 100 years.
The Apartheid regime imposed by the ZSTG is supported by Zionists, who are Anti-Palestinian Racists largely from The Ukraine and the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Jews have opposed Zionism since its inception since its a staggeringly racist idea which tramples on many basic tenants of Judaism.
Zionist State Terrorist Group which attacked Jews for speaking Yiddish [1],
Bombed Jews [2], Assassinated Jews [3] and makes Jews around the world less safe by attempting to conflate the atrocities committed by the violent extremists supporting ZSTG with an ancient religious community [4].
There are Ten Million members of CUFI [5] but only 7.6 Million Jews in the US[6], make it make sense. Oh right, Most Zionists aren't Jewish, and even if they were so what? Ukrainians and Poles are Dispossessing Palestinians, not debating theology.
[1] https://www.haaretz.com/jewish/2023-09-07/ty-article-magazine/.premium/when-speaking-yiddish-could-get-you-beaten-up-by-jews-in-tel-aviv/0000018a-6fb5-d9af-a7db-6fbfbd6c0000
[2] https://www.haaretz.com/2006-04-06/ty-article/now-it-can-be-told/0000017f-e185-d804-ad7f-f1ff68e50000
[3] https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2020-06-13/ty-article/.premium/the-hidden-terror-attacks-of-the-haganah-israels-pre-state-militia/0000017f-e69b-dea7-adff-f7fbb12e0000
[4] https://mondoweiss.net/2023/11/israels-savage-actions-in-the-name-of-jews-make-jews-unsafe/
[5] https://cufi.org/press-releases/cufi-reaches-10-million-members/
[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_Jews