back to article Corduroy is coming to the metaverse with touchy-feely robotic sensors

Scientists have developed a robotic sensing system they say can distinguish between multiple types of fabric, including corduroy, in work they hope may bring a detailed sense of touch to virtual reality. With immediate application in tactile sensation identification for robots and human limb prosthetics, the study relies on a …

  1. zuckzuckgo

    Corduroy is coming ...

    Thank goodness technology will allow our future AI overlords to truly appreciate vintage late 1960s fashion and music like this: (The Who)

  2. Spherical Cow Silver badge

    Ugh no!

    Corduroy gives me the shivers.

    Is it weird to have a strong aversion to the feel of a fabric?

    1. Neil Barnes Silver badge

      Re: Ugh no!

      There are almost certainly websites dedicated to a subject like that!

  3. Mike 137 Silver badge

    Quite good but ...

    A practiced human finger can detect a bump or a step of about 1/1000 of an inch (0.025 mm). Machinists used to rely on this for setting accurate tool height on lathes (and some, like myself, still do), also by sliding the fingertip across the tool tip and a precise height gauge.

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