back to article Tipsy tongues tell all: How your sloshed speech could snitch to Siri

Wondering if that wee tipple was a bit too much? Someday soon your sloshed speech may spill your secrets to your resident digital assistant as easily as you stumble through a tongue-twister. A group of researchers from Stanford University in the US and the University of Toronto in Canada have developed an algorithmic method of …

  1. ecofeco Silver badge

    I am still gobsmack

    ... that people WILLINGLY buy machines that actively spy on them. Smart phones are bad enough. But if you are savvy enough, you can at least mitigate its spying.

    1. DS999 Silver badge

      Re: I am still gobsmack

      What does this have to do with machines "spying" on them? They are determining it by having people read tongue twisters, which is not a passive activity so nothing to do with spying.

      1. Dan 55 Silver badge

        Re: I am still gobsmack

        You can already get a discount on your insurance if you install a driving app on your smart phone and allow geolocation (i.e. everyone else is already paying too much), it's only a small step from there to throw Alexa/Siri/Google Now into the mix. No spying, everyone opts in of their own free will. You see, the market has an answer for everything.

  2. DS999 Silver badge

    .20 is fairly high

    I'm not surprised you could algorithmically detect intoxication at that level. What about intoxication at .08 or .05 where most places have the line drawn for impaired driving?

    Though it is still not feasible as no one would accept having to read tongue twisters every time you start your car. And if you did, I wonder if you would become better at it with such daily sober practice to where you were able to do it better when drunk, defeating the algorithm's ability to detect intoxication?

    1. SVD_NL Silver badge

      Re: .20 is fairly high

      Yup. I also think it would be interesting to compare the models' accuracy to a group of humans predicting the result. I feel like the accuracy would be quite high at .20.

  3. Yorick Hunt Silver badge

    Way to go!

    I spent my years at uni doing copious amounts of alcohol "research," but these guys have taken it to a new level!

    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: Way to go!

      No post grad work?? Turn in your El Reg login, please leave the premises...

      Let me help with your coat!

      and have one on me if you still indulge! Damn need two icons... Beer.icon

      1. Richard 12 Silver badge

        Re: Way to go!

        Presumably they went into industry and now do it professionally.

  4. Tron Silver badge

    Slight flaw in this.

    By the time this hits the market, aren't we all supposed to be owning cars that drive us home from the pub?

    Probably not in Britain though. At the current rate there will be no pubs here by then.

    I prefer my scream detector to shut down industrial robots and equipment. You could do that on a Pi and have it out there in less than a year.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The Leith Police Dismisseth Us

    Is this news ?

  6. Death Boffin


    I see a new drinking game in the offing!

  7. ravenviz Silver badge

    Can it be made so that Alexa tells me I need to drink more?

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