back to article From Apollo to Space Shuttle, Thomas K Mattingly's stellar journey ends at 87

Thomas K Mattingly II, command module pilot of Apollo 16 and commander of two Space Shuttle missions, has died aged 87. Mattingly was a member of the fifth astronaut group selected by NASA in 1966. Prior to his selection, he flew with the US Navy before joining the US Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot School. He applied for …

  1. Lord Elpuss Silver badge

    Incredible man who played a defining role in history. Godspeed, Ken.

  2. Gene Cash Silver badge

    So that means we've still got 4 Moon walkers (Aldrin, Scott, Duke, Schmitt) and no CSM pilots left.

    Edit: I had forgotten Mike Collins passed as well.

    1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

      Obligatory XKCD:

      1. deadlockvictim


        That cartoon came to mind while I was reading the article. Thanks for posting it.

      2. MyffyW Silver badge

        That is a truly awesome - and humbling - XKCD.


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      What did he pass, his driving test?

  3. Mr. V. Meldrew


    Understated...RIP you adventurer.

  4. J. Cook Silver badge

    As the saying goes, "There are bold pilots and old pilots, but very few old and bold pilots." And there is one fewer now.

  5. Trigonoceps occipitalis


    Edit: Uncle Slacky beat me by two minutes. :-(

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