back to article Musk thinks X marks the spot for Grok AI engine based on social network

X, the micro-blogging site formerly known as Twitter, revealed its "first AI" to a select group of users over the weekend. The product was first teased by former CEO and current owner Elon Musk, who didn't say what it was or did exactly – but was sure it was the best of its kind "in some important respects." "Tomorrow, @xAI …

  1. TheMaskedMan Silver badge


    "A unique and fundamental advantage of Grok is that it has real-time knowledge of the world via the X platform."

    And this is supposed to be a good thing?? Has he seen the mindless dross that gets posted to Twitter by the terabyte??

    Hey, grok, give me the headlines...

    Sure thing, you hoopy frood! Tiddles from Aberdeen had whiskas for breakfast before taking a dump in her litter tray about 10:30 am.

    In other news, flat earthers conclusively prove the world is flat, and sexy Susie from Swindon is offering a special discount in her only fans.

    There's also a few wars, an economic crisis or two, but nothing significant. Meanwhile QAnnon says...

    1. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Grok

      Fully expecting Grok AI to churn out stuff like this two-and-a-half minute video shortly before the world disappears under a nuclear mushroom cloud.

      According to a comment by the creator (uploader?), the video was entirely generated by Invideo.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. katrinab Silver badge
      Black Helicopters

      Re: Grok

      What happened with the "news" of the immanent activation of all the vaccine 5g microchip implants? Wasn't that supposed to happen on 1st November?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Grok

        The plan was for the November 5th. Foiled again!

        -- just another guy,

      2. Winkypop Silver badge

        Re: Grok

        It was buggy.

        They’re waiting on a patch from MS.

    3. Flocke Kroes Silver badge

      Re: Mindless dross

      According to Musk tweets he no longer looks at mainstream news. Instead he gets all his information from Twitter. Mostly I assume his Tweets are less factual than "Funding secured" but this one could well be entirely honest.

      1. MachDiamond Silver badge

        Re: Mindless dross

        "According to Musk tweets he no longer looks at mainstream news. Instead he gets all his information from Twitter."

        Why not, many of the news articles I see are just screen grabs from posts on Twitter. Proper journalism died years ago.

    4. zuckzuckgo

      Re: Grok


      X (eX?) is now designed to shed members that are repelled by hate speech while attracting those looking for a hate-speech platform. So this should work out just dandy.

    5. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: Grok

      Grok is definitely the answer, if the question is "how can I further enshitten the platform formerly known as Twitter?".

    6. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

      Re: Grok

      "Hey Grok, give me some help in drafting this hate speech, will you? I'm having trouble being the most misogynistic, racist, antisemitic, ableist, anti-woke piece of shit I can be."

      1. DS999 Silver badge

        Re: Grok

        That's likely what he means by "spicy"

      2. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: Grok

        I am a LOT more concerned about the "Woke Speech". Asking ChatGPT on certain topics either gets you a lecture, or even outright pejorative comments towards those who do not hold the currently accepted "settled science" position, particularly with respect to things like "Climate Change" and "Net Zero".

        Seems the robots are heavily biased towards 15-minute cities and restricting our freedom, and calling those who do not agree "deniers". Oh, and ChatGPT too, not just the fleshy robots.

        I've seen plenty of examples of this sort of thing. It's seriously disappointing. The entire model of scanning what people CLAIM and how frequent+loud those opinions are drives it into ARTIFICIAL STUPIDITY... just like WIkipedia is on certain topics.

        Grok needs to be completely DISINFECTED from the 'Woke Mind Virus'. THAT would make it USEFUL.

        1. DS999 Silver badge

          Re: Grok

          Needs to be completely DISINFECTED from the 'Woke Mind Virus'

          OK Ron, now toddle along home as best as you can with your special 3" lift boots, Shorty!

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Well, if ML/LLM are all about the input data...

    >>> "but was sure it was the best of its kind "in some important respects.""

    Now that Twitter moderation is dead, that might indeed become the best AI engine for automated trolling and disinformation.

    1. chivo243 Silver badge

      Re: Well, if ML/LLM are all about the input data...

      You forgot the icon!!

      tsk, tsk.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "The meaning of 'grok' is to understand profoundly and intuitively."

    Did he grok Twitter before he took it over?

    1. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

      Re: "The meaning of 'grok' is to understand profoundly and intuitively."

      Proof, if it were needed, that Musk doesn't grok the meaning of "grok". It's like the Dunning-Kruger effect ate itself, choked on a piece of gristle and vomited up Elon.

      1. Matthew "The Worst Writer on the Internet" Saroff

        Re: "The meaning of 'grok' is to understand profoundly and intuitively."

        Unfair to a partially chewed piece of gristle.

  4. Paul Herber Silver badge

    My old work colleague, Emmet, just totally groks grockles.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      I think I am having a problem grokking your meaning? He drinks tourists visiting Cornwall?

      1. vtcodger Silver badge


        He drinks tourists visiting Cornwall?

        For God's sake man, do NOT put new ideas into the Elon's head. The world already has more than sufficient problems.

        (Are there really tourists in Cornwall? Are they soluble? In what? Is the resultant mixture tasty? Is there a profit to be made by peddling it on the Internet? What's the, obligatory this season, AI angle?)

        1. LionelB Silver badge

          Re: TakeCare

          Yes, there are tourists in Cornwall. They are soluble in alcohol, but apparently not in seawater... I noticed some bobbing about off Sennen Cove during the summer. They were in the water quite a while before being washed ashore (they're mostly buoyant, but not always).

  5. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    real-time knowledge of the world via the X platform

    Oh dear. Oh dear oh dear.

  6. thondwe

    Musk vs Heinlein

    "The informal verb grok was an invention of the science fiction writer Robert A. Heinlein, whose 1961 novel Stranger in a Strange Land placed great importance on the concept of grokking. In the book, to grok is to empathize so deeply with others that you merge or blend with them."

    Wonder what Heinlein would make of Musk and Xitter?

    1. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: Musk vs Heinlein

      Wonder what Heinlein would make of Musk and Xitter?


      1. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

        Re: Musk vs Heinlein

        Well done, you win one internet. Play with it quickly, there's a queue of other winners behind you, but do take a well-deserved pat on the back.

    2. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

      Re: Musk vs Heinlein

      If Musk actually grokked Heinlein, his "X" brand would be called Ubik, and people would actually want it.

      1. Paul Herber Silver badge

        Re: Musk vs Heinlein

        Muskie wants Twitter, sorry, X, to be Ubikuitous.

      2. Arthur the cat Silver badge

        Re: Musk vs Heinlein

        If Musk actually grokked Heinlein, his "X" brand would be called Ubik

        Ubik was PKD, not RH.

        1. Elongated Muskrat Silver badge

          Re: Musk vs Heinlein

          Yeah, right you are, just testing, carry on, as you were, etc...

          As it happens, my first thoughts went to a VALIS reference, then I thought "don't be silly, that's PKD not RH," and then I went and made the same mistake in a different way. It's too many years since I read stuff by either, so it might be time for a re-read soon.

  7. hammarbtyp

    1st against the wall when the revolution comes

    modeled after the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

    Surely Marvin would be a better name and rename twitter Sirius cybernetics

    Based on the majority of Twixxer's input nowadays, i will be impressed if any AI model won't become manically depressive and paranoid in about a week

    1. DJO Silver badge

      Re: 1st against the wall when the revolution comes

      "modelled after the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"

      With the same dedication to truth and accuracy no doubt.

      ... it cannot hope to be useful or informative on all matters, it does at least make the reassuring claim, that where it is inaccurate it is at least definitively inaccurate. In cases of major discrepancy it's always reality that's got it wrong...

      1. zuckzuckgo

        Re: 1st against the wall when the revolution comes

        > "it's always reality that's got it wrong"

        Is'nt that already part of the X mission statement?

    2. Arthur the cat Silver badge

      Re: 1st against the wall when the revolution comes

      rename twitter Sirius cybernetics

      Well, their motto/customer service strategy does seem to be "go stick your head in a pig".

  8. Tron Silver badge

    Leveraging our Orwellian future.

    So tech has to be acceptable to the government of Singapore before it can be released?

    Here's what the UK government say about Singapore:

    On-the-spot fines are common and can be given for a wide range of behaviours which are tolerated in the UK. You can be fined for littering and for smoking in some public places. It’s also illegal to import chewing gum to sell into the country, except for certain medical chewing gums. If you’re arrested, you may be detained for up to 48 hours. You won’t be allowed to speak with anyone, not even a lawyer, during this period.

    Why didn't they go the full Monty and add China to the list of governments with a veto on new tech?

    1. RedGreen925 Bronze badge

      Re: Leveraging our Orwellian future.

      "Why didn't they go the full Monty and add China to the list of governments with a veto on new tech?"

      No need that goes without needing to be written down, Musk is always in full kowtow mode with the Chinese, has been forever. Nothing but bitching and complaining about western COVID rules not single peep out of his mouth about the China ones.

    2. doublelayer Silver badge

      Re: Leveraging our Orwellian future.

      Admittedly, some of those are not the parts of Singapore that I object to. The detention without a lawyer thing definitely is, and they have others, but I have no real problem with fines for littering. If the people think it's worth the extra police effort to prevent littering, that's fine. I don't like when people do it here either. My concerns about Singapore are more along the lines of excessive laws on the conduct of the media and only one political party that has never lost a majority somehow, maybe related to the last thing.

  9. trevorde Silver badge

    Tay v2

    AI trained on an unmoderated Xitter. What could possibly go wrong?

  10. Mitoo Bobsworth

    Should have called it Ouroboros

    As it appears to be a closed loop system that will eventually devour itself.

  11. Winkypop Silver badge

    I’ll be glad

    When the Grokmiester disappears up his own FUD.

  12. mark l 2 Silver badge

    Elons plan for Grok is probably to be able to replace even more Twitter staff with AI to try and save a few more bucks and get X even closer to finally stop circling the drain and actually going down it and becoming one giant fatburge AI turd.

  13. Omnipresent Bronze badge

    Chat GTP

    for russians and nkoreans.

  14. MachDiamond Silver badge

    What's that survey web site?

    I'd like to circulate a petition to prohibit Elon from using the word "Grok", forever, under penalty of connection to the spark coil from a Ford Model A three hours at a go.

  15. Jan 0 Silver badge

    Are we strangers?

    Did anybody reading El Reg, need to be told what "grok" means?

    ***Bring Back Our Dabsy***

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