back to article Microsoft calls time on Windows Insider MVP program

Microsoft has decided to axe the Windows Insider MVP program, which is now scheduled to be discontinued at the end of the year. A Microsoft spokesperson told The Register: "In an effort to consolidate MVP-style programs across Microsoft, we have decided to retire the Windows Insider MVP Program effective December 31, 2023. " …

  1. heyrick Silver badge

    a distinct lack of exciting features to test during the Windows 11 era

    So it's not so much just terminated as a side effect of a gradual slide into irrelevance?

    1. TonyJ

      Re: a distinct lack of exciting features to test during the Windows 11 era

      A lack of "Exciting features"?



      There a LOADS of them.

      It's just that they precisely what no one asked for, or needed. Let's fuck around with context menus so that all the most common bits everyone needs/uses/has got used to over the last couple of decades are no longer where they've always been.

      Let's make it so when you right-click the taskbar, the same is now true.

      Let's make the default command-interpreter PowerShell so it loads slower. Even though most people want to run...commands, not PowerShell snippets.

      And on and on.

      All new. All exciting. All fresh!


      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: All new. All exciting. All fresh!

        In the crazy demonic world of Microsoft, all those things that you listed are what gets the Marketing droids all hot under the collar because the likes of SatNad has told them this is what everybody wants.

        Only that almost no one outside MS wants anything to do with these bits of POS that they are serving up. No matter what any of us say or do, they will continue with this shit.

        If you can, ditch Windows ASAP.

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge

          Re: All new. All exciting. All fresh!

          "If you can, ditch Windows ASAP."

          I let my Visual Studio (formerly known as MSDN) subscription expire. The keys I already claimed for Win 7 VMs (etc.) remain valid.

          If I need an 11 box in the future (let's say to do taxes) I can buy the cheapest piece o' crap with 11 pre-installed for less than HALF of what it costs per year.

          I'm too old to switch gears and have PLENTY of embedded opportunities with Linux, etc.. No need to maintain it.

          Saving $800/yr is something I have to do because of the economic situation degrading since 2021. I chose NOT to burden my main customer by raising rates 20% to compensate. I think I get more work that way, as they've been seeing cash flow issues from the economic stupidity that's mostly created by gummints.

          So saving money by NOT renewing MSDN/Visual Studio makes TOTAL sense. Not like I've had it for over 20 years or anything...

          (and if I occasionally do windows dev it's always a 7-compatible EXE with *NO* ''.Not' entanglements, and I use the 2010 DevStudio 'cause everything after that was oriented towards TIFKAM etc.)

          That's right. They LOST me as a customer. Buh-Bye Micros~1. *hork* *spit*

      2. J. Cook Silver badge

        Re: a distinct lack of exciting features to test during the Windows 11 era

        To quote an old cartoon: "It's the poo that makes all the difference!" /silly

    2. simonlb Silver badge

      Re: a distinct lack of exciting features to test during the Windows 11 era

      My suggestion would be: Under Control Panel -> Themes -> Desktop UI -> a list that comprises of:

      • Windows 2000 (Classic)
      • Windows XP
      • Windows Vista
      • Windows 7
      • Windows 8*
      • Windows 8.1*
      *Requires reboot and touchscreen

      1. ArrZarr Silver badge

        Re: a distinct lack of exciting features to test during the Windows 11 era

        Honestly I always found 8.1 to be a joy to use. even without a touchscreen.

        It probably helps that when I'm in a hurry, my mouse accuracy is hardly what anybody would call precise though...

      2. Bebu

        Re: a distinct lack of exciting features to test during the Windows 11 era

        Sounds like "Classic Shell" :) - if its still a thing.

        《My suggestion would be: Under Control Panel -> Themes -> Desktop UI -> a list that comprises of:

        Windows 2000 (Classic)

        Windows XP

        Windows Vista

        Windows 7

        Windows 8*

        Windows 8.1*

        *Requires reboot and touchscreen》

  2. spireite Silver badge

    Does it really matter..

    Reading the article, it seems to me to be interpreted as

    'We are changing the name'

    Where membership is concerned it seems to be

    'we will let you in if we think you've drunk enough of our kool-aid'

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Does it really matter..

      Former MVP, so can say with certainty it does matter.

      MS is very reticent to give out MVP seats. Having a dedicated MVP program meant a dedicated budget, and thereby seats specifically for that area, and more of them. Now they'll be competing for MVP seats against other areas like Azure, development, and other sundry groups. As a result, if MS decides to do another Azure push, you won't see newly minted MVPs that aren't Azure focused, and may even see some existing MVPs shown the door to free up spots. This specifically happened to Windows Phone/Mobile MVPs, and was how many of us knew "for certain" the line was gonna die before it was official.

      As for the kool-aid, that can help, sure. However, the people that get to be MVPs usually care about the product before hand. They genuinely like the stuff and use it themselves. You occasionally get someone that gunned for MVP, and focused on it to the point of driving their career and socializing to get in, but that's not particularly common. The majority are actually surprised to hear they got nominated. Also, as a group, they're pretty ready to call MS on their BS, though sometimes behind closed doors.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Does it really matter..

        But don't they also punish disloyalty?

        The guy that answered all the .Net questions on Stackoverflow had to hand in his badge when he got a job at Google.

        1. richardcox13

          Re: Does it really matter..

          That was more about being able to sign an NDA with MS whil4e working at Google. Shortly later a away around that was found and the MVC award continued.

          > guy that answered all the .Net questions

          Not all, but a lot.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Does it really matter..

        ahh mvp's the clowns that excuse microsofts fuck ups and pretend all is ok.

        1. Nick Ryan

          Re: Does it really matter..

          There are some competent ones but far too many seem to just be there to answer as many questions as possible even if during doing so the demonstrate that they neither read the question nor delivered a remotely useful answer.

          For example, ask why a particular component of server setup went wrong, and how you carefully followed all the steps as documented and you'll get a link to the document that you already followed and have the bloody question marked as answered and ignored from then on.

      3. Grogan Silver badge

        Re: Does it really matter..

        As if you need to be a member of their club anyway. Microsoft tried to retire our certifications in 2001.. but an old school guy knows more than these jumped up little hall monitors anyway. They had to backpedal on that.

        As a Microsoft Certified Solitaire Engineer (MCSE) or MCP, the primary duty seems to be promoting Microsoft products and services. I read all the clauses I was to be subject to.

      4. Ken Hagan Gold badge

        Re: Does it really matter..

        "This specifically happened to Windows Phone/Mobile MVPs, and was how many of us knew "for certain" the line was gonna die before it was official."

        So we can guess that MS plan to drop Windows now? Ok, that's absurd, but less absurd is the idea that they see the actual OS as a little more than a necessary evil and anything resembling support should be weeded out. That is certainly how it has felt to me for quite a few years now.

        1. bombastic bob Silver badge
          Big Brother

          Re: Does it really matter..

          at least one software developer online believes that Micros~1 EVENTUALLY intends to DROP the Win32 API, based on things he's read.

          This would CERTAINLY *BREAK* all legacy software and any hope of using Wine.

          Never say "They'll NEVER do that." Because what they did in 7 was the LAST attempt to make customers happy. Windows 8 and later have ONLY been Micros~1 STRONG-ARMING us into a "solution" for non-existent "problems" that take away OUR ownership of the computer and transfer it all to THEM, beginning with the Micros~1 Logon and FORCED UPDATES.

          They believe they have the bull by the balls, and are in a position to DEMAND we COMPLY. Unfortunately this seems to be true.

  3. Doug 3

    Maybe because it's not impossible to be a developer and drink only 100% pure Microsoft KoolAid. Even Microsoft can no longer drink only their own KoolAid and has Linux running inside of Windows on many of its expanding services. Being loyal to Microsoft as much as you had to be to become a MVP member means cutting off your businesses legs and arms so it's no wonder the MVPs are few and far between.

    Their Marketing Programs are still going strong though so the promotion of Microsoft based anything can still become a revenue stream for many ISVs and corporate devs.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      I think you'll find that Microsoftlinux™ has always been a core part of Microsoft and anything Microsoft has always been a supporter of Microsoftlinux ™

      (Anything you might think you remember about Balmer is fake news

  4. Howard Sway Silver badge

    What's this I'm hearing about no more Windows in cider?

    Presumably it'll just be Apple from now on.....

  5. Paradroid

    Feedback no longer required

    Windows is being mined for services profit and data collection. They're never going to get anything but negative feedback from that, so why bother.

    1. Snowy Silver badge

      Re: Feedback no longer required

      Seeing as they are mining your data like FB is the next step subscription like them to stop using the data?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Feedback no longer required

      I have to say that back in the age of dinosaurs when I did a lot of Visual Basic programming, I certainly found the Visual Basic MVP's on the Visual Basic forums to be very helpful, especially when dealing with the Windows API. However when it comes to Microsoft's forums of Windows in general, I don't think I've ever seen a useful response to anyone's questions. Just script responses like "turn off your antivirus", "reboot", and the like.

      1. Snake Silver badge

        Re: script responses

        Or even worse, a "MVP" who gives a wrote and general-purpose response to a technical issue and then labels themselves as giving the "correct" answer, thereby getting (some type of) credit for supplying the 'solution' (see Zippy's similar response, below).

  6. SuperGeek

    "The Windows Insider MVPs are usually enthusiasts of Microsoft's wares"

    "Enthusiasts" being a new buzzword for "drooling fanboys" that think their opinion matters?

    1. david 12 Silver badge

      "Enthusiasts" being a new buzzword for "drooling fanboys" that think their opinion matters

      No, the MS MVP community was always categorically different to the alt.comp newsgroups. Not denigratory and abusive to beginners and people they disagreed with, but also not bound to the idea that there was one true faith.

  7. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Hello gun, remember foot ?

    Why am I not surprised that Borkzilla is shutting down something that gave it valuable feedback and buzz on MS products ?

    Feedback can be negative. Redmond doesn't like negativity. Redmond wants everyone to be positively enthusiastic about everything important Redmond does, like giving users a new Dark Theme that nobody asked for.

    Or wait, did the MVPs ask for that ? That would be ironic.

  8. Locky

    MVP gripe


    You know what really grinds my gears, the MVP acronym. Why would we have something with 2 interchangeable solutions that are the direct opposite of each other.

    Is this the greatest thing ever, or the cut to the bone so much it wont work at all, who knows?

    /end rant

  9. Zippy´s Sausage Factory

    Microsoft's "MVP" programmes have been a joke for years. Anyone remember when they used to go on Micros~1 forums, find a question with no answers, answer it with something totally unrelated to the question, then mark it as solved and close the question? Happened so many times it was just a joke. Even now I find myself automatically filtering out anyone who's a Micros~1 MVP.

  10. DCdave


    "as well as the odd paperweight or two"

    I already have an old Windows Phone.

  11. navarac Silver badge

    Insiders Builds.

    A/B Testing has about killed the Insider Program. Taking time to download it all only to find you have the build with nothing in it, is bound to put people off. I quit bothering 2/3 years ago when Langowski started. About the same time I went to Linux full-time.

  12. FuzzyTheBear

    checks buses and the fatberg

    " Unwavering loyalty and devotion rewarded with termination.

    You could say that of most of the lawyers and people that ever got associated with Trump .

    < bada ching >

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Who's going to alpha test windows 12 ?

    Not the paying customers again :-(

  14. GraXXoR Bronze badge

    “Panay was understood to have become disillusioned at the Microsoft Windows + Devices division he has run * since 2020”

    * You seem to have missed “in to the ground” from the above sentence.

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