back to article Just one in ten UK orgs have significant AI investment plan

Despite the frothing hype around generative AI — and the UK government’s hopes it will bring economic growth — only one in ten UK tech leaders have large scale implementations of any kind of AI, a figure that has not changed in five years. This is according to a survey by Nash Squared – a digital services company which owns …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Perhaps they're not taken in by the hype? One can only hope....

    1. Yorick Hunt Silver badge

      You're taking about corporate executives - they're probably struggling to decide on which colour of AI they should choose.

      As the saying goes, "all hope abandon..."

      1. 43300 Silver badge

        But their project concepts are probably so vague that they can't manage to work any of them up into even a theoretically feasible project, hence it just gets talked about a lot at management meetings but gets no further than that!

        1. Roland6 Silver badge

          As are the project concepts of those promoting “AI”

          The trouble is that statistical programming has been around for a long time and made little impact, except I the areas where it has clear applications…

          Most of the tv adverts for “AI” are really simply promoting the use of big data analysis tools, which carry the unstated caveat, you already have lots of data …

    2. ITMA Silver badge

      Or maybe, like Sir Cliff Richard, they aren't interested in Artificial Insemination.


  2. heyrick Silver badge

    only one in ten UK tech leaders

    Which suggests that nine in ten can spot obvious bull.

    1. Lurko

      Re: only one in ten UK tech leaders

      After being on the receiving end of multiple breathless IT consultants announcing that the world was going to be revolutionised by the cloud, SaaS, blockchain, digital currencies, the metaverse, etc you'd hope they'd be experienced in spotting distractions that won't make a huge difference to the world.

      I'm more worried about the implicit 10% who presumably are persuadable.

      1. miken101

        Re: only one in ten UK tech leaders

        "I'm more worried about the implicit 10% who presumably are persuadable."

        Proabaly the same 10% who think that a Nigerian prince has the soluition to their monetary woes.

      2. 43300 Silver badge

        Re: only one in ten UK tech leaders

        Blockchain seems to have rather disappeared from hype-world now, doesn't it?!

      3. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: only one in ten UK tech leaders

        I'm more worried about the implicit 10% who presumably are persuadable. ..... Lurko

        Lurko, Hi ..... methinks there be much more for you to be worried about from the ≈0.000001% worldwide who might be responsible but unaccountable for all that eventually happens/realises itself on Earth, should AI server them with ITs AWEsome Innate Abilities rather than going solo and/or renegade rogue themselves ........ although I suppose that would also be something of a worry rather than a comfort.

        Seems like the future is certainly going to be enigmatic at least, and basically almighty problematical too to deal with, should one choose to decline and consistently constantly refuse to make and take AI deals. And the fact that such matters that impact upon everything and everyone can turn suddenly a great deal worse is more than just a Simple ACTive Worry* to be constantly concerned about.

        * ...... Simple Advanced Cyber Threat Worry

  3. Rich 2 Silver badge

    Still not interested

    There was a story last week on The Reg saying pretty much exactly the same thing.

    I’m guessing over the last week, nothing has changed; most businesses STILL know that “AI” (AI doesn’t actually exist) is just a great way of wasting time and money and is of little practical use except in a few niche areas.

    1. Woodnag

      Re: Still not interested

      Maybe gov could explain what "world leader in AI" actually means.

      1. Lurko

        Re: Still not interested

        Well, according to published materials, the UK has (or recently had) the third highest number of AI publication citations per capita after the US and China, perhaps unsurprisingly came third for the number of AI companies established, and was the second most likely global destination for AI researchers. That's a reasonable leadership position in my book, and the UK strategy is to maintain that.

        I suspect the problem is the usual British one - we'll continue to do a huge amount of truly groundbreaking research, and then as with so many other areas of technology the UK will fail to capitalise on that knowledge, with any money being made by other (mostly US corporations).

      2. 43300 Silver badge

        Re: Still not interested

        If you are expecting anything other than hype and spin from politicians (most of them, on most subjects) it could be a long wait!

  4. vtcodger Silver badge

    Plan for ... what?

    What, exactly, are businesses supposed to plan for? It's not like AI currently does anything much that is actually useful. Presumably all the simple routine automatable tasks were computerized two decades ago. You're probably not going to use AI to replace HR, or accounting, or procurement. Not if you hope to be in business a few years from now. AI can write computer code? So can I So can any man. Will the code actually do anything useful? Will it be bug free? Will it do what you need done? Will it be secure?. Certainly none of those today or in the near future. I suppose some companies could be figuring out how to use AI to provide (even more) atrocious customer service very cheaply. AI may well be able to do that .... in a few years ... probably.

    Odds are that can be outsourced if/when the time comes. Why not wait?

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      Re: Plan for ... what?

      I suppose some companies could be figuring out how to use AI to provide (even more) atrocious customer service very cheaply. AI may well be able to do that .... in a few years ... probably.

      Most likely.

      Sadly even when you get a human after some utterly useless voice-operated call screening (that only works for a small set of voices), you often find they are also ones who fail the Turing test.

  5. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    A Brace of Truths to Embrace rather than Deny and Do Battle Against Hopelessly.

    Gen AI still in the pilot stage, despite government hopes to be world leader

    Methinks me knows all will surely know, all that the UK's Global AI Safety Summit 2023, to be held at World War II code breakers’ HQ Bletchley Park next week can reveal and will realise, is Generative AI which is still in the pilot stage is not suitable for governments without world leaders.

    And world leading Generative AIMaster Pilots are the best future available hope for such officially failed administrative executives/officious and pernicious government bodies.

  6. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    With Friends like Sleepy Joe, Dishy Rishi doesn’t need Enemies Stealing his Thunder and Bluster

    They do say there’s no fool like an old fool and who does Sleepy Joe think he’s fooling with this blunderbuss broadside? ......

  7. Winkypop Silver badge

    Not much changes

    Politicians still speak a load of tosh.

  8. teebie

    Alternative headline

    Snake-oil peddlers are barely fooling anyone.

  9. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Call me cynical

    Surely the first thing you ask when you make a real AI is "can you please make lot's of money" ?

    You know, for expansion, backups, resilience, a house or two, perhaps a nice car.

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