back to article Ubuntu LTS kernels will get one decade of fixes … still

Canonical has addressed customer concerns over the reduction in long term support (LTS) of its code – but there is no real change here, and you'll still need Ubuntu Pro to keep the rest of the OS patched. An October 24 post penned by three Canonical staffers reiterates that, despite the Linux kernel team reducing the length of …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Yes ...1000 times yes !!!

    "It is particularly noteworthy that Oracle adds Btrfs to its CentOS rebuild, but not ZFS, even though Oracle owns all of Sun's original Solaris code – including ZFS. One would think it could find some way to grant itself rights to things it already owns."

    Does someone in Oracle hate ZFS or maybe had a bad experience as a child running a ' zpool import -F my_mp3_pool' and lost some of their mp3's !!!


  2. katrinab Silver badge
    Black Helicopters

    "Oracle adds Btrfs to its CentOS rebuild, but not ZFS, even though Oracle owns all of Sun's original Solaris code – including ZFS. One would think it could find some way to grant itself rights to things it already owns."

    Maybe it doesn't want to give other people those rights? If it released a version of linux with zfs, it would be releasing it under a GPL-compatible licence, or alternatively releasing a pirated version of the linux kernel.

    1. damienblackburn

      There you go. Plus we already have it released with OpenZFS in BSD (and Linux).

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