If I could nuke Edge from space
I wouild
also when did edge:// become a valid scheme, since that's what can't-kill-it MS Start cruft insists on using.
The European Commission is looking into Microsoft's request to remove Bing, Edge, and Microsoft Ads from the Digital Markets Act (DMA), and at least one rival has claimed the company is not playing fair. A Microsoft spokesperson told The Register: "We accept our designation as a gatekeeper under the Digital Markets Act and …
Edge is a by-product of websites insistence that they only want to code for a single web browser engine. I have to switch to Edge (a.k.a. Chrome) regularly just to get some sites work properly.
Only Google is in the driver's seat, however, modifying Chrome to suit its needs. This is illustrated by their API changes to thwart ad-blockers. They won't ban ad-blockers entirely (that could result in an anti-trust investigation) but they'll make their lives as uncomfortable as the law will allow.
...Another Chromium derivative is Brave. Of the Chromium based browsers, it's the best IMHO. But don't count on it being perfect. For example on Mac, "Warn Before Quitting" has NEVER worked. (0_o) Nonetheless, it's the only browser I'll use, if I can help it specifically because it's the best at making the commercial aspects of the Internet bearable.
Again on Mac: Chromium and its children has become the default. That's lazy and stupid on the part of website designers. It doesn't help that Apple willfully ignores Google web code innovations (whether they're good or buggy crap) and keeps them out of Safari until a gun is put to their head. Mozilla is doing GREAT IMHO with Firefox and friends. But the Google monopoly via Chromium remains the core problem.
[Brave is self updating software, uses Google as the default search engine, has built-in telemetry, and even has an opt-out rss-like news feed similar to Firefox Pocket. These shouldn't be the things that come to mind if someone were to imagine a privacy oriented browser.]
Is there a way to remove Safari Webview from iOS?
Is there a way to remove Android Webview and replace it with another Webview?
The OS vendor has to test against a controlled Webview.
More and more internal Windows components (edge://) will depend on that Webview, and it could have advantages, since Teams/Edge seems to be faster, slimmer and less buggy than Teams/Electron.
I had this last night. As far as I was concerned I had pretty much excised Edge from my machine when I got it 2 years ago and have seen neither hide nor hair of it since through all the subsequent updates..
I decided to install the October win 10 updates and after longer than normal my system was back up and running ........you guessed it with Edge front and centre........
Could not delete directly in Programs in the Control panel. Then spent about 15 minutes looking at possible solutions online (using Brave) and then deleting 4 lines in the registry has got rid of it for now. However I note there are still multiple Edge mentions in the registry.
Linux is beckoning me again.........
Governments want technologies of big corporations to dominate the market so that they can be more easily controlled.
It's easier to force big corporation to deploy mass surveillance than to ask thousands smaller players to play ball.
The "good EU" many people have in their hearts is long dead.
I think you'll find many who "like the EU" like the concept of what it is and what it represents. The actual implementation? Not so much.
But, then, it took Windows three tries before it hit the mainstream, and there's the expression "third time lucky", so here's hoping the EUv2 upgrade will be released sometime soon.
> it's basically like chrome but faster :-)
And with the Added Trust of Microsoft!
At least 5 people's sarcasm-detectors have failed. You should have used the Troll icon for that post.
.. Unless you were being serious, in which case you should have used the Coat icon.
Edge is Chromium with Microsoft evilware instead of Google.
Since I use GMail, Google already has me by the goolies. There's no reason to add another megacorp to that list. So I use Chromium on Debian. It's a memory hog but sod it, DRAM is cheap and I don't see how adding Microsoft bloatware and spyware would fix that.
Windows users need an easy way to get vanilla Chromium when they install, but neither Microsoft nor Google would like that very much.
"it's basically like chrome but faster". Not in my experience, Microsoft even says it uses the same engine as Chrome, says this when it is trying to prevent you from installing Chrome.
Edge is intended to become the new IE, it is 100% about vendor lock-in. If you were effected by this you won't forget. Can't believe systems admins enable it as their default browser.
Thing is, Edge is based on the same open source rendering engine as Chrome, so I'm not sure how it follows the same path as IE, unless you are implying that Chrome is also the new IE. How is Edge any worse than Chrome? The reason why Edge is enabled by default is because it offers the same compatibility as Chrome but with more enterprise control.
My main browser is the Android version of Firefox. It's set as the default, and web links are to open in Firefox.
Yet when an app opens a link (such as Blackplayer's "Search for lyrics"), it's the Xiaomi browser that pops up. It seems that there's no way to change this (short of rooting and hacking).
Likewise, tapping files in the file manager opens them in Xiaomi's own apps, even if you've told it "remember my choice" to open files in other apps (because for some reason the PDF viewer decided to make the page background grey which makes it harder to read, so anything else would be preferable), guess what happens...
Microsoft b(e)ing Microsoft. People forget what the world was like in the early 2000s when you couldn't browse the internet with Linux because Microsoft was doing shenanigans with internet explorer. And now they claim to be on the other side where they can't force enough of their users to use their fine browser and search engine. Poor them.
It's 2023 and you can't watch e.g. NBA streaming with Linux since Microsoft took over the hosting last year.
Open any free NBA stream (for example www.nba.com/watch/featured) in Linux and you'll get the DRM error:
Error Group:Invalid DRM error with DRM_FAILED_LICENSE_REQUEST
Error Code:2003
Open the same stream in a Windows VM running inside that same Linux and it plays.
Why Edge hasn't caused Microsoft to be put back in court like its 1999 again is anyone's guess. What they are doing with Edge seems very similar to why they were in court back in 1999. Making you have to change each ext to point to another browser instead of Edge. And when you do, the fear monger message to scare non-IT people from changing the default browser.