back to article Amazon Ads rolls out generative AI for ad image composition

Amazon on Wednesday said its Amazon Ads customers can begin beta testing the deployment of AI-generated images for pitching products on its sales platform. In so doing, Amazon follows the likes of Adobe, Google, Meta, and Microsoft, all of which now offer generative AI tools for crafting marketing messages. And it doesn't seem …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Thank $Deity for adblock

    1. Long John Silver

      Being a devoted user of ad-blocking technology, I too shall be untroubled by this nonsense.

      1. katrinab Silver badge

        Not if you are shopping on Amazon, and the photo of the product you are considering isn't a genuine photo of that product.

  2. martinusher Silver badge

    Bit of a waste of computing/developer/bandwidth resources

    You know when we're approaching peak dystopia when significant resources are dedicated to advertising. There really is only so much product you can shift, partly because people only have so many needs and partly because they don't have the resources to pay for it, so continuing to devote more and more resources to trying to generate a market, to finding that 'lifestyle' key, is just an exercise in tail chasing.

  3. Ashentaine

    This will be a boon to all those fly-by-night tat peddlers who change their seller names with every drop shipment of knockoff Shenzhen dumpster goods. Now instead of paying for access to a stock image library and hoping someone has enough Photoshop skill to make it look decent, or posting those images with tons of badly translated text that are an obvious tipoff that it's trash, they can just click a couple buttons and hey presto! Totally Legitimate Product, honest!

    So well done to Amazon for more easily facilitating consumer deception in favor of their own profits, I guess.

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