Pixelated meta-tat
The thing that struck me about this is that it's just a long series of brand names. That may well replicate the flight experience, but it's depressingly uncritical.
Of all the things parents might suspect their little darlings of doing on game creation platform Roblox, replicating Ryanair flights likely isn't one. And yet here they are, checking in luggage, queuing at security, wading through duty free, and grabbing a dirty burger before making the arduous trek to the gate, where there is …
For a readership who pride themselves on precision and accuracy, you fail us by referring to the Toilet as a Bathroom. Why use an ambiguous word then there's an exact one in everyday use. If you feel there are Americans who may have a fit of the vapours then use a phrase like Where you pay the water rates or Turn my bike around or Ease the springs. There are many picturesque euphemisms to choose from.
I'm afraid "toilet" comes from "toilette", a small cloth, and was associated with dressing and, later, washing. It came to mean a dressing room, particularly one with washing facilities - see also "lavatory". And, indeed, "Water Closet".
Its use in this context is as much a euphemism as "bathroom".
...couldn't we deploy residential treadmills. They could spend a few hours of each day generating green electricity for the family, working off some of that teenage energy they usually devote to vaping, gaming and filling their bedroom bin with soiled tissues.
The difference that Roblox is not just a game like Minecraft, but also an engine like Unity and a payment platform.
The result of this wondrous alignment is, as well as the usual tales of kids charging their unsuspecting parents' credit cards to spend in Roblox games, you get people slave-driving other kids to make Roblox games for them and in return the kids may even receive some chump change from profits that these people earn from the first set of kids. And Roblox is sitting at the top taking their share of course.
The trouble with Roblox, the video game empire built on child labour
Truly disruptive.
Normally you'd just need to get kids to understand that they can play if if they want, but no money for battle passes, skins, etc... will be forthcoming under any circumstances for any game, however in Roblox's case the article author is wise to say that Roblox is off limits because if they've got any creative spark in them there's the danger of them ending up working for a Roblox sweatshop.
Ryanair at least tried to cut costs to give the passenger the most air miles for their money. It had its rough edges but it seems to be positively benign compared to contemporary US model where its not about passenger experience but literally squeezing the most out of each passenger. The ultimate in bad experiences is a US budget airline where even the aircrew are screwed for all their worth.
(The very pits of flying experience is flying a typical 'crammed to the gills' 737-8 flight. Not only is everyone on top of each other but getting into -- and out of -- the couple of toilets at the back is virtually impossible for anyone who is not petite.)
The idea that kids are lining up to take these flights -- virtually or not -- just shows the innocence of youth.
its not about passenger experience but literally squeezing the most out of each passenger... even the aircrew are screwed for all their worth
I would have thought that was the very definition of Ryanair, I'm having trouble imagining how US airlines could be worse.
Obligatory videos:
Honesty Roblox model is based on monetizing crappy Lego rip off games made by kids, and scamming kids of money while they ignore the blatant abuse and crime going on thanks to Roblox.
Yeah Roblox is worse that a porn site, let that sink in. The place should be outright be added to ban lists in schools and any olace with public wifi.
"Also the flight from one city to another has to land so far away, that its in an entirely different game."
I've often wondered if anyone has done any assessment or calculations on short haul flights and discovered there are routes that end up starting and landing so far from the "source" city and "destination" city that you actually travel further on the ground than in the air, ie it would be simpler to just drive or use a train/bus.