back to article Microsoft CEO Nadella's compensation drops... to $48M

Microsoft boss Satya Nadella was paid $48.5 million in compensation for running the business in 2023 – the lowest amount he received in the past three years due to smaller stock awards and other incentives. This comes months after the long-serving CEO, who has made an estimated $1 billion in financial packages since becoming …

  1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    How about payment by results: $4m for each botch-free Patch Tuesday?

  2. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

    "640K ought to be enough for anybody."

    People have short memories.

    (Yes, I am aware there is doubt as to whether one of his predecessors actually uttered that phrase).

  3. Terry 6 Silver badge


    I love this term.

    The plebs get pay.

    But the top brass get "compensation"

    But no one ever says what they're being compensated for .

    1. mostly average

      Re: Compensation

      His role is chief executive officer, so presumably he's being paid to execute.

      1. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

        Re: Compensation

        Execute what ?

        You are part of the problem, supporting the lie and pretending that CEO executed everything.

  4. JWLong Silver badge

    Stock Options

    ...........and what are they worth?

  5. CowHorseFrog Silver badge

    > Nadella fell slightly short in his target for financial results but exceeded targets for operational results, meaning he met 85.5 percent of the goals set.

    Strange i thought Microsoft had thousands of engineers...

    Its stupid comment like the above that create this inequity, in the past other stupid comments that supported slavery.

  6. gerryg

    How effective is any CEO?

    I'd be curious to know how long a company could tick along without a CEO. Are the divisions unable to walk talk or chew gum without the CEO telling them to breathe in and breathe out?

    What size of decision reaches the CEO.and how many?

    Similarly whether breaking up large company into smaller units would give better or worse shareholder value.

    And why $50 million and not $100 million or $25 million.

    Is he going to leave?

    1. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

      Re: How effective is any CEO?

      At those levels, the (sub-CEO) managerial job requirements are:

      * Look good

      * Wear the right clothes

      * Speak the right way

      * Belong to the right family

      * Belong to the right club

      * Suck ass

      * Parrot what you've been told by the manager(s) above you, down to the managers below you.

  7. PhilipN Silver badge

    Mangled Micawber

    Salary this year more than last year = happiness

    Salary this year less than last year = misery

  8. An_Old_Dog Silver badge

    Have Mercy on the Criminal^H^H^H^H^H^H^HCEO

    You know, if we all took up a collection, and all pulled together as a team, forward-thinking concept-wise, it should be achievable for us to make up the shortfall in Mr. Nadella's compensation this year.

    Who's with me on this? C'mon, don't be shy...

    Me, I'd give tuppence. Delivered from a slingshot.

    1. John Stirling

      Re: Have Mercy on the Criminal^H^H^H^H^H^H^HCEO

      Why a slingshot? You aren't going to get relativistic speed from a slingshot - unless you're slingshotting it around a black hole.

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