Sounds like Elon's marketing guys and gals work at Blue Origin now.
Bezos-backed space firm Blue Origin has unveiled plans to construct a multi-mission, multi-orbit "space mobility platform," and claims it only needs until 2025 to get the structure in space. Blue Ring, as the platform's been dubbed, got very little in the way of description in Blue Origin's brief press release about the …
If Musk said he was going to launch thing thing in 2025 I could believe something could be mocked up and built in 2024, at least a working prototype in 2025 and a potential launch in 2026. After all he has the flight hardware and orbital experience to deliver it ...
I think Bezos is just dangling a "we may possibly hopefully be able to do it cheaper if you give us massive funding" carrot to keep his company going until the next no-hope-of-delivery-but-well-funded idea comes along ...
It is interesting how the rich are going for somewhat vanity projects, that sound big on the surface but if you look into the details, they seem pretty hollow.
Why trying to solve problems on Earth or at very least improve the lives isn't attractive?
Is space platform going to lift people out of poverty? Get clean water? Bring happiness to millions without roof over their head?
Or is it just another elaborate tax avoidance scheme? After all who is going to check if those super expensive, written off, items are actually in space and not just in the creative accountant imagination?
Space is definitely one place where IRS don't have its reach.
> vanity projects
Vanity project? Vanity project!? How dare you!
These men have made stepping into areas that were once under government control and making sure that they can both receive tax payer money and reduce the chance of any competition or regulation their lives' work. Nothing could be more dear to them than making sure your tax dollars don't risk contributing to mere common good when they could do do much better for themselves!
Shame on you for thinking their unending greed is a lesser sin such as mere vanity.
This is a fertile ground for serious advancements in our access to space. Not that this specific concept will necessarily "win", but having a bunch of egotistical billionaires attempting to dominate the industry is a great way to try a lot of different ideas for viability. The only challenge is getting enough people to support your project, and that comes down to who can do the most convincing impression of a rocket scientist.
who can do the most convincing impression of a rocket scientist.