back to article Ubuntu unleashes Mantic Minotaur with 23.10 build

The last interim Ubuntu release before next spring's LTS is out. Some editions are seeing big changes, others very small ones. Ubuntu 23.10 "Mantic Minotaur" appeared this week across multiple editions and ten "flavors" with different desktops. This is the last short-term or interim release before next April's 24.04 code, …

  1. Dave559

    You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike

    You sadly didn't seize the very appropriate opportunity to use this phrase for the sub-heading! :-(

    (But, indeed, a wise adventurer never forgets their ball of thread…!)

    1. David 132 Silver badge
      Thumb Up

      Re: You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike

      Very relevant Oglaf comic. (Site NSFW - that one comic is probably safe though)

  2. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    Crowd-sourced translations

    Proving once again that, as soon as you give them a chance, there will be an asshole to demonstrate why we can't have nice things.

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    SNAP is an infection that shows no sign of dying off

    SNAP is a 4-letter word.

    SNAP needs to die like 'systemd' etc.

    Why do we need a package manger daemon running? (/usr/libexec/snapd/snapd)

    Doh! We don't. We have managed for almost 30 years without it.

    Another nail in the Ubuntu coffin. At my LUG, people are keeping well away from anything coming out of Canonical.

    1. Kevin McMurtrie Silver badge

      Re: SNAP is an infection that shows no sign of dying off

      Snap could be useful but it missing a whole ecosystem of user configuration apps. It should have been a dead idea the moment the plan was wiring it up to the perpetually broken Ubuntu/Canonical/Snap Store app. The command line 'snap' tool might actually be worse.

    2. ianbetteridge

      Re: SNAP is an infection that shows no sign of dying off

      "We have managed for almost 30 years without it."

      We managed without GUIs for a long time too. "We managed without X" is a very poor argument, no matter what you're talking about. "Paved roads? Pah. We managed with dirt tracks for hundreds of years! What do those Romans know?"

  4. Jingfa

    Tried the Cinnamon version.

    They've forgotten to include Bluetooth in the sttings

  5. workrabbit

    Before anyone complains…

    This is quite amazing that given the quality it is provided away for free.

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