Where is Hilton icon when it's most relevant?
The wisdom of Twitter's pivot to X under Elon Musk has been repeatedly questioned and now those chickens are coming home to roost with a lawsuit brought by Florida ad agency X Social Media. X as a concept in the English language often relates to some nebulous quality (or mathematical variable) rather than something that a …
I feel 'X Social Media' is never going to get X to revert back to the old Twitter name, but they will probably get a nice fat paycheck for breaching of their trademark, after all what is another few millions to pay out when Musky Smell already spent $40bn just to buy a failing social media platform. As for 'X social media' I guess it only makes sense to rebrand if your not even showing up on Google with an exact name match anymore.
As for Zuckerborg desire to get users to pay $17 for Instagram / Facebook per month without targeted ads on the desktop, good luck with that when I can just run ad blocker in the browser or pi hole etc and get the same results for free.
From the article: "Yaccarino has really been given a raw deal."
I guess so, in the sense that her job is a pretty awful one and it's not likely to get better, but a lot of us knew that when she joined. She should have as well. Eventually, that stops really being a raw deal and starts being a bad decision to accept that deal. I don't think she was out of alternative options before she accepted this.
She is also presumably free to quit any time. She might even be able to slink back to NBC.
I am honestly gobsmacked that anyone applied for the job at all. It's well known what it's like to work for Twitler, so there's no way I'd buy that she didn't know exactly what she was walking into.
I assume there's a very decent golden hello, pay & severance package - as nobody expects anyone to be able to deal with the chaos Musk has caused then she won't suffer any reputational damage from failing to improve X / Twitter/ name of choice so not really a "poisoned chalice" as no expectation of success, just a take the big money and (at some point) run role.
That assumes she won't end up like the rest of the fired employees who are suing to get the severance they were promised almost a year ago. That too should have been a serious red flag for taking the job. And if the interview was conducted in the Twitter office, and conditions are as bad as have been described...