back to article If you want to fund open source code via Patreon with GitHub, well now you can

GitHub today said it has linked its open source software donation program Sponsors to the funding platform Patreon in an attempt to get unappreciated developers patronized for the work they do. "We understand there are challenges with being an open source developer and that finding funding is one of those challenges," Stormy …

  1. that one in the corner Silver badge

    an attempt to get unappreciated developers patronized for the work they do.


    You pour your heart into your personal project, only for someone to come up and pat you on the head: "Aaaw, isn't that just the cutest little library? Give him ten dollars, Hiram".[1]

    [1] maybe "patronize" doesn't mean the same thing as "patronise"? Two countries separated by a common language and all that.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: maybe "patronize" doesn't mean the same thing as "patronise

      Indeed. Here, "patronize" seems to be a (neologism?) meaning "to attract patrons"... or something similar.


      But I think "patronificated" is probably the more correct term :-)

      1. ThomH

        Re: maybe "patronize" doesn't mean the same thing as "patronise

        Patronise also has the secondary meaning of being a customer of in British English per every dictionary I've ever checked.

        I can't find a newer OED than 1933 with free access, but back then this was even definition (1), with the more normal current meaning being definition (3).

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    6% - penny wise pound foolish

    Since MS is using GH open source repos as training data, I would have thought a 0% charge would have been not only a thoughtful gesture, but actually be a wise business move, because any work generating donations is more than likely to be high quality training data.

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