Re: You Have The Right To Privacy, After We Approve The Content.
Whenever all of that, AC, can be accepted and realised as true ie all of your information belongs to us and for us, one has no other option than to accept and realise, because of the presently expanding and exploding and imploding dire straits state of Earthly things, necessary vital greater intelligence is missing in the human element identifying itself as us and for us.
It is quite clear then, whenever a New More Orderly World Order is suspected or proposed to be the intended future iteration of Great Game Play, is an Alternate Intelligence not merely desired but absolutely required.
Such as might very well be strangely spookily conceived to be perceived and even feared as, because of its Almighty Inherent Ability with all manner of readily available Earthly utilities and facilities to effectively Assist and Present to/for Mass Media Platforms and Elite Executive Administrative Streaming Delivery Programs, an Alien Intervention ..... and/or if you prefer, a Grand Advanced Otherworldly Wise Virtualised Cloud Project.
Is it agreed, AC [and El Reg and El Regers], that an Alternate Intelligence and a New More Orderly World Order, or Orders as the case may better be, is required ‽
And is it to be collectively welcomed and aided and realised as unavoidably inevitable, and/or simply unilaterally imposed by virtue of Virtual AI Machine Edict?
And is IT then, whenever both of those options are exercised at the same time together in the same place and space, a Quantum Resolution exploring a Singularity Solution?
And Yes ...... that is a Genuine Offer which most likely unfortunately will be initially derided and denied and declared both nonsensical and impossible and in so doing thus prove the honest truth shared in the first paragraph above ..... necessary vital greater intelligence is missing in the human element identifying itself as us and for us.