Recovering fanboy here.
Thanks for this piece. A couple of thoughts popped into my empty cranium as I read it, though...
"...and that I intended only to browse, I was advised that not purchasing an iPhone 15 today could mean I have to wait an unspecified length of time to do so as stock was in short supply..."
Mmm, yeah. For some reason this reminded me of that Apple-parody scene in Futurama where they go to buy Eye-phones, and Fry is told by the store clerk "We might have one left..." - as he reaches behind the curtain, where machines are cranking out thousands and thousands of the phones. Is it more depressing that Apple are still trying the ol' "Artificial scarcity" ploy, or that people are still falling for it?
"...Video flowed and rippled without a hint of stutter."
I should bloody well hope so. Playback of video has been a solved problem on phones for years now, hasn't it?
(This is not a critique of the article, by the way, or of your kindly-shared thoughts on the iPhone 15... rather, I'm just depressed at witnessing yet another product launch hype cycle!)