back to article Airport chaos as eGates down for the count across UK

Thousands of travelers are stuck at UK airports as the dual gremlins of "planned maintenance" for eGates and air traffic control restrictions led to delayed and canceled flights along with long queues at the border. Would-be passengers confirmed, via social media, hours-long queues at Gatwick Airport while they have their …

  1. Korev Silver badge

    Do they run Windows? If so then they'd be Bill Gates...

    1. Captain Scarlet

      Probably, about 8 years ago the automated gate I was using at Luton airport had the taskbar present, I can't remember if it was an issue with the Windows License, it was something license related but was Windows 7.

      Then again might be different as my Passport always worked at Luton, never at London City or Stansted.

    2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Nowadays they'd be on a subscription so they'd be Billed Gates.

  2. ChrisElvidge Bronze badge

    Current problems

    1) Border force / eGates

    2) Metropolitan Police

    3) Asylum detention centres

    4) Windrush


    Do we sense a pattern - Home Office involvement in all cases.

    Is the Home Office not fit for purpose?

    1. wolfetone Silver badge

      Re: Current problems

      I'd suggest that maybe 13 years of cuts have resulted in the quagmire we find ourselves in.

      And to think a decade ago, to not vote Tory would've resulted in a "coalition of chaos".

      Happy Friday everyone!

      1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

        Re: Current problems

        and yet we pay highest taxes in most people living memory and have record level of borrowing.

        That being said it was smart to cut funding to agencies that could investigate this.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Current problems

          UK taxes remain the lowest in Europe. If you look at nearby countries you can see that UK taxes are still too low in order to offer adequate public services. If people want to have lawlessness, zero useful public services and low taxes, move to a US state of your choice.


          A lot of right wing newspapers have been broadcasting misinformation about the UK now having Scandinavian levels of taxation. It is a lie.

      2. john.w

        Re: Current problems

        The Home Office has been a disaster zone long before any cuts or even a Tory government. It was incompetent under Labour in the same way as it is incompetent under the Tories. The common factor is the civil service, an oxymoron if ever there was one.

        1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          Re: Current problems

          It was a Labour Home Sec who declared it unfit for purpose. I don't know why. It's been super-efficient at house-training its ministers and that seems to be its prime purpose.

      3. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Current problems

        >I'd suggest that maybe 13 years of cuts have resulted in the quagmire we find ourselves in.

        That's the problem with right wing governments. their refusal to spend on law and order, border control and public order

    2. Boris the Cockroach Silver badge

      Re: Current problems

      You forgot

      The online safety bill

    3. Alumoi Silver badge

      Re: Current problems

      Why stop there?

      Is the government (any) not fit for purpose?

    4. Ken Moorhouse Silver badge

      Re: Is the Home Office not fit for purpose?

      Upgrade it to Professional Office.

      Better still: LibreOffice.

    5. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: Current problems

      Maybe there's a dark pattern here and it is, in fact, working exactly as designed.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Current problems

      Priti Awful followed by Cruella would bring any department to its knees.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Current problems

        Far from it. They're a perfect fit. even better than Rudderless.

    7. Howard Sway Silver badge

      Re: Current problems

      It is fit for purpose. Their new "stop the planes" policy has been an amazing success.

  3. Rikki Tikki

    Wondering whether there will be equal or greater chaos when UK introduces the "it's not a visa, but you still have to pay for it and get approval" (aka Electronic Travel Authorisation) starting in a couple of months.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Get you picks for the "how will they screw this up" lottery

      1, It will be an app that only works on the latest model iPhone. The Digital Govt Imagineering team in Shoreditch tested it and didn't find this a problem

      2, Payment will require a UK credit card registered to a UK address

      3, It will send an SMS confirmation, but only to a UK mobile number

      4, It will be valid for 10years but will require the address of the hotel you are staying in. the address must be in the precise form in the Postal Address File but it won't tel you why it's rejected.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        On a business trip to China

        To get on the plane you have to fill in a health declaration that you don't have covid and get a QR code to scan at the boarding gate

        This needs a WeChat app that requires a WeChat account to download

        WeChat requires a Chinese phone number, bank account and Chinese Id to register

        ps. For some reason el'reg isn't blocked in China

        1. fxkeh

          Mmm, but having recently done this...

          > This needs a WeChat app that requires a WeChat account to download

          There's a website too. You don't need to use the WeChat app

          > WeChat requires a Chinese phone number, bank account and Chinese Id to register

          WeChat didn't need a Chinese phone number, or Chinese bank account last time I tried it, and certainly doesn't need a Chinese ID.

      2. Rikki Tikki


        Point (2) is already in operation, even in some UK private businesses. Caught out on my last trip trying to use my Australian card to buy a rail card and train tickets.

  4. Vulture@C64

    Even when I came through Heathrow last Sunday only a small number of eGates were operational and there were no reported problems then. Staff also shouting at travellers to use all lanes or something like that, many of whom clearly didn't understand the language and through there was a problem like a fire. It's also dirty and shabby, and I'd come from Delhi which was fast, efficient and clean ! Why can't we get basic things like this right and India and most other countries can ?

    1. elsergiovolador Silver badge

      Probably because usual suspects learned that they can charge tax payer to the moon and deliver nothing and nothing is going to happen to them.

    2. abend0c4 Silver badge

      The last time I came in through Manchester all the e-gates were working and there was still a queue nearly an hour long to get through.

      The Home Office seem to have elevated the "hostile environment" rhetoric to a point at which people seem to accept it's their patriotic duty to put up with border mayhem in order to keep out the "immigrants". And of course people with money can now pay to skip to the front of the security queues and the passport queues: so as long as it's only the plebs who are inconvenienced, why would the government care?

    3. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      It's their new AI based citizenship system

      If you accept that the e-gates are all broken, the queues are long and uniformed idiots are shouting contradictory instructions - with at most a quiet 'tut' = you are British

      If you think this is unaccaptable and complain you are probably a filthy foreigner

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Staff also shouting at travellers to use all lanes or something like that, many of whom clearly didn't understand the language and through there was a problem like a fire.

      Border Force seem to be trained to bark at people who don't have English as their first language, as if they are under the impression that rasing the volume makes whatever it is they're trying to communicate more understandable. Presumably this is necessary by design as the person behind the passport desk nearest the queue has to shout generalised instructions to the people in the queue.

      There are also too many signs without the usual international icons on them written only in English and even then maybe not an English that people with only passing familiarily with the language would understand.

      The alternative of assigning one person to guide people to the right place appears to be too horrible for the Home Office to contemplate.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Part of the hostile environment

        Bloody tourists, coming over here, spending their foreign money, creating our jobs

        1. Ken Shabby Bronze badge


          But apart from the foreign exchange and creating new jobs, what have the Tourists ever done for us?

          1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

            Re: Tourists

            >But apart from the foreign exchange and creating new jobs, what have the Tourists ever done for us?

            Raised the standard of customer service?

            Well yes. I'll give you that.

            And the coffee - Remember what the coffee on the High St used to be like

            Yes the coffee is one thing we'd really miss if the tourists left

            And the food !

            Well yes obviously foreign food goes without saying

  5. upsidedowncreature

    "The gates use facial recog technology"

    ws t wrth sving a fw kystrkes fr tht?

    1. Will Godfrey Silver badge

      Re: "The gates use facial recog technology"

      It's wrong anyway. They use farcical recognition.

      1. b0llchit Silver badge

        Re: "The gates use facial recog technology"

        ...and still miss the mark.

  6. Tron Silver badge

    Completely *&^#ing useless.

    NATS. Border Force. The Home Office. The British Government. The Conservative Party.

    Not fit for purpose. International laughing stock.

    They've broken the economy with Brexit, broken the digital economy with their new Censorship bill, broken the NHS, broken the rail network, and just about everything else.

    They should be consigned to the dustbin of history.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Completely *&^#ing useless.

      "They've broken the economy with Brexit..."

      BUT, they've saved lots of their mates having their offshore bank accounts being investigated by that awful EU quango, so the fact that the plebs have to suffer from a broken NHS, broken rail services, broken High Street, rampant inflation and high interest rates, raised energy and cost of living burdens, means nothing to them.

      And given that the Tories are going to lose the next election (maybe in May 2024) by a huge number of seats, for the next 8 months, you can be sure that the UK economy is only going to get worse,

      Thereby leaving the incoming party (probably Labour) with a huge financial deficit to recover from, which will take years to do, and by the time of the next election, the Tories will claim that Labour have failed and that the Tories will fix it...just like they've fixed it with Brexit. :-(

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Completely *&^#ing useless.

      They've also broken your record, yawn.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "although accompanied 12-17s may travel through the gates"

    Funny. Border Force do everything in their power to separate families by not having family passport booths so familes are separated by gates, then the gate won't open for minors, then someone at a passport desk shouts across to the 12-17 year old to ask who is accompanying them, then the minor will either try to make themselves understood (they might not speak English, remember) or someone in the queue will signal that they're the parent, then the will gate will open, then they will be told that the other side of the gate is a no waiting area and to move along.

    Whereas other countries choose 16 or 18 as the age limit for automatic gates and checks families as a group, the UK chooses 12. In other words yet more pointless twattery because there aren't enough passport control officers because there isn't enough funding.

    Then the gates go down and everybody's screwed.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "although accompanied 12-17s may travel through the gates"

      as a parent travelling relatively often with minors in that age group, I frankly never had any problems with gates or egates. Other than the usual mayhem before the crowd hits the passport hall, and then long shuffling which reminds me of various paintings of the Judgement Day or 'that' typical WW2 scene. Even the humans in the booths are, generally... tolerant.

      and, btw, over 12 yr olds can also pass through egates 'unaccompanied', as my kids have done. Including the full meaning of 'unaccompanied' when recently 'flying alone' (over 14).

  8. yoganmahew


    WTF?! A system in a 24 hour operating environment that never stops that has to have everything down for maintenance at the same time? I've worked in the airline industry for mumble years; we've spent our lives removing downtime, working for 99.999% uptime and largely achieved it. Now all this new crapware comes along and it's not even designed for basic uptime?!

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: 23x6x364

      Remember, like the benefits system, this is designed NOT to work

      After all it's only used by foreigners who try to visit this Sceptic Isle and traitorous Britains who have the temerity to wish to re-enter having visited foreign lands

  9. greenwood-IT

    Who are these people?

    20 years ago, a small team developed software to deploy, upgrade and manage 2,000 servers, 50,000 PCs and 8,000 CAS machines. We upgraded every end point almost monthly and overnight.

    Who is this company that's paid millions to upgrade 300 machines on a weekday between 9-5? Who manages this project, do they have any previous experience?

    I'm 20 years out of date, but could probably still do a better job from my laptop sat in bed!

  10. fpx

    No Layovers

    LHR was already on my list of airports never to layover in. The threat of missing my connection is way too high. Also on the list are PHL and ORD in wintertime, and all of the greater NYC area airports any time of the year.

  11. Frank Bitterlich

    "Planned" maintenance...

    ... so why are they planning that for a Friday?

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