Having grown up in Hawaii
and living there now, I'll pass on the pineapple on pizza as an abomination. Even egg on pizza is better.
Pizza Hut's Australian outpost has suffered a data breach. The baked goods purveyor has delivered bitter news to around 190,000 customers: that their name, delivery address, email address, and phone numbers have been accessed by unautorised entities. Even more seriously, pizza order histories have also leaked. Yes, dear …
Visiting the Caribbean one year my parents were told of this place half way up a hill (this may have been Bequia) beside a harbour that did fabulous pizza. Slightly dubious they went to this place which from research may have been Mac’s Pizzeria Trip Advisor reviews Here they were offered Lobster Pizza, which had been likewise recommended and they tried it. My dad doesn’t do new food ideas willingly but tried it and really liked it. He said it might be the combination of the location, the weather, that they’d booked by marine Vhf radio, that it was a holiday, as well as the food, but that was seriously good.
"Even egg on pizza is better"
You say that as though egg on pizza is disgusting, when in fact a fresh egg broken on the pizza just before it goes into the oven* is one of the best pizza ingredients ever!!
Unless you're talking about slices of boiled egg, in which case, carry on...
*proper oven as per icon >>>>>>>>>>
>A couple of years ago Morrisons in the uk did a Yorkshire pudding pizza, basically a large Yorkshire filled with sauce, cheese, pepperoni etc
>I bought one out of curiosity and it was surprisingly edible…..
When I was a student in the mid-90s, Tesco sold curry pizzas. Very tasty but for some reason they didn't catch on enough and were discontinued.
I usually buy pizzas with pineapple as that's the best way to ensure there's no garlic which SWMBO doesn't like.
Hmm.. I'd never considered that. Then again, I like pizzas with ham, pineapple and anchovy. I'm also wondering what data aggregators and miners could make from this new data. Dislikes garlic, orders a lot of sunblock, location tracking shows all activity after dark. I guess if vampires and immortals do exist, data mining and facial recognition is going to make it a whole lot harder to stay in the shadows.
Also as there are elections coming up, if there are political preferences. Do Democrats or Republicans prefer pineapple? Could swing voters be tempted by the right (or left) toppings? Also medical. I have that annoying gene that makes corriander/cilantro taste nasty, but maybe there's some genetic rather than social reason why people dislike pineapple. But I suspect it'll just get used to flog us stuff we don't want.
"So you're Belgian ?"
Hehe!!! No... I was introduced to the delights of vlaamse frites in the Netherlands, and I find mayo makes an excellent condiment for them. Gives some moisture without making them soggy (which vinegar does), and has a savoury taste that complements then rather than drowning it in syrupy sweetness (ketchup). Otherwise better just salted.
Proper Brussels friteries have curry ketchup. Which is the condiment of the Gods.
Second preference would be proper salt and vinegar. But that only works if the chips are served in proper newsprint. Ink optional, it's the paper that means you can get enough vinegar on to flavour them, while there's still something absorbent there to stop them going disgusting and soggy.
Third choice ketchup.
Mayo isn't right. Too oily perhaps? If I'm doing that, then salad cream is way nicer, for the extra vinegar hit. Though to be fair, I haven't had salad cream since I was a teenager, so it could be the nostalgia speaking.
Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! I've not had salad cream this century! I might be getting just a teensy bit old!
"Proper Brussels friteries have curry ketchup..."
In fact AFAIK the term 'ketchup' derives from the Indonesian 'kecup' (same pronunciation), which was introduced from the former Dutch colony to the Flemish locals. Kecap Asin is more spicy, Kecap manis is sweeter, but still in a more savoury sort of way, so I can see a curry-ketchup mixture working.
My complaint against ketchup is really against the more westernised version, which is far too sweet, and far too little tomato-tasting for my taste
Curry sauce as a condiment is the devil's spunk.K
Putting anything liquid on chips is an abomination. The things are deep fried in order to make them nice and crispy on the outside, while being fluffy in the middle. Even vinegar only works under precisely controlled conditions. Which is why chips shouldn't be served in boxes, or horrible polystyrene trays, they should be wrapped in paper! Like a beautiful Christmas present, but smelling of beef dripping and vinegar.
But a nice side of ketchup for dipping is also good, curry or otherwise. Curry sauce or gravy is not good at all.
Perhaps a little battered sausage as well? Or a lovely piece of battered haddock.
...Wanders off to happy place...
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Why the hell does it matter to anyone what other people have on their pizza?
How the hell can you suggest that working to end civilisation as we know it should be tolerated? We have known for over a century that pineapple on pizza is an abomination. That's why, for example, the Geneva Convention applies to all combatants in uniform, except those who put pineapple on pizza - on whom the use of chemical and biological weapons is not just permitted, but encouraged.
It's not the best. But I do like a bit of ham and pineapple sometimes. I think my favourite is Fiorentina. Which is a good, credible choice that establishes my pizza bona-fides. On the other hand it's spinach and egg - so plenty of people are disgusted by it.
However, I do have a shameful secret. Delicious but shameful. A local pub does a pizza cone.
Take one margerita pizza. Wrap it into a cone shape, like a paper cone. Fill said cone with chips, bacon and cheese sauce. Serve on a specially made conical metal holder thing that has two sauce bowls. One with bbq sauce to dip the chips, the other with garlic mayo for bits of crust.
I expect a crack team of Italian special forces to raid the pub any moment - and torture everyone involved, before returning them to Italy for life imprisonment or execution. And if they can get the customer list, I guess I'll never be allowed into Italy again. But it really is very nice.
And yes, I am appropriately ashamed.
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Do not worry the Italians. I mean, they can be and are exaggeratedly dogmatic (aka nazi) about their food. I, on rare occasions, enjoy prosciutto cotto and pineapple on my pizza. And if ever an Italian starts an argument about my choice of pizza, I'm going to remind them on all the offerings of "wurstel pizza" in Italy. The mere idea and much more the sight of that thing makes me feel sick.
The late Mrs David had some pithy comments, in a newpaper article reviewing a newly open pizza chain store in London, about what did and did not constitute a valid pizza which I would reproduce but the only online quote brings up a musky effing X. Barrington Bradman Bing McKenzie (Barry McKenzie) is fervently implored to insert either end of the pineapple into the X management.
I think ED only admitted (Mozzarella) cheese, black olives and anchovies.
There is
Shrimp, snow crab legs, Canadian lobster tail, prawns, smoked salmon
which is about $140.....at Steveston Pizza, a former haunt.
They also have lobster ratatouille, caviar and truffles pizza for $850 but they want a day's notice. (Who the heck wants to plan their pizza a day in advance?)
I saw chicken tikka masala pizza in the freezer section of a supermarket in Canada a couple of days ago. Then again, pineapple on pizza originated in Canada in a place not too far from where that supermarket is located.
In case any Indian intelligence operatives in Canada are reading this, I will hastily add that I've never eaten either so don't murder me.
My go-to is Ham, Pineapple & Pepperoni - aka Spicy Hawaiian - with black pepper and chilli flakes.
The pineapple is there for the exact same reason it's in Chinese Sweet'n'Sour Chicken/Pork - to balance the flavour between hot and sweet.
Spicy Beef & Pineapple - same thing.
I don't understand the hate against this humble fruit.
PS - I wholly endorse previous comments regarding said fruit -> politicians orifices
If I were Australian I wouldn't be worried about being blackmailed. I like pineapple and I'm not ashamed to say I like it sometimes on some types of pizza. It goes great with ham, bacon, pepperoni, possibly other meats too, but I'm not a heathen, I would not pair pineapple with toppings such as anchovy or olives...
While I agree with one of the earlier posters that anchovies are good on pizza one of my occasional weaknesses is a Margherita pizza with doner keaab and chilli sauce as an additional topping. Happily my supplier is a local Turkish business who have no religious objections to what their customers request for toppings.
My wife is having her tea out tomorrow, I might have one !
Chris C
I LOVE pineapple on a pizza, along with pepperoni, hamburger and mushrooms, double sauce, double cheese, well done on a hand tossed crust. Go on, blackmail me with it. Everyone I know already knows. Better yet, bring one round my house and I'll let you photograph me eating it for extra blackmailly goodness. Just don't expect anything for your efforts.
It's the sweet+sour+meat combo. Some love it, some gag on it. Don't order on a big shared pizza.
I don't like anchovies, olives, mushrooms, or jalapenos either - not in any way or topped on anything. I wonder what they taste like to people who like them. I'll skip the combo pizza.
Who cares that much?
We are talking about a bread product with toppings - let people choose what they like (I'm sure there's a few Italian food purists state only "x, y, z etc. constitute a valid pizza topping option, but pizza is one of many, many foodstuffs that has been adopted and adapted by other countries and so often has scant resemblance to the original)
I have had delicious pizzas in Italy, but also other countries (unexpectedly, one of the best was in Iceland).
I have also seen all sorts of random mutants in the UK such as curry pizza, toppings such as banana & chocolate, etc. But if someone enjoys them its no problem, we all have our food likes & dislikes (e.g. I despise the taste of capers yet they are often found on many a traditional Italian pizza as plenty of people love them)