back to article NASA wants to believe ... that you can help it crack UFO mysteries

NASA on Thursday released its final report on how to best study Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) and the US space agency wants to hear more from the hoi polloi, or common folk. The report endorses "crowdsourcing" as a way to gather more data about puzzling sightings. "Engaging the public is also a critical aspect of …

  1. Michael Hoffmann Silver badge


    Why is this suddenly making such a come-back? After years of debunked-by-billions-of-mobile-phones-with-cameras (XKCD), suddenly we're dragging this nonsense out again.

    Is it the times? The knowledge that "crap, we really messed up and have no idea how to fix the planet" we're back to hoping for the aliens to save our bacon, because prayer to gods sure as hell (ha!) didn't work?

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Why?!

      Ol' Bill of Ockham would probably suggest that the "why now" question is easily answered ... It's because NASA wants more money from Congress before the conspiracy theory nutcases are voted out in the next couple of elections.

      1. 42656e4d203239 Silver badge

        Re: Why?!

        >>before the conspiracy theory nutcases are voted out in the next couple of elections.

        Ah, the optimism of youth! The very idea that the crzies get voted out anywhere is flawed... never have I known crazies be voted out. Victims of internal strife maybe, but never, ever, voted out.

        Trouble is that one man's crazy is another's prophet.

    2. My other car WAS an IAV Stryker

      Re: Why?!

      The US politicians who claim to pray to God the most, actually don't; they pray to the idols of money, power, and corporate greed. Can't fix a planet with that attitude -- instead of being good stewards of it like God intended, it's more like rape and pillage the planet for all its resources, then burn them.

      (Remember, kids, "pillage then burn". Better return on investment than vice versa.)

  2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

    Cunning Plan

    1, Tell all the UFO conspiracy nuts they need to install a government app to report if they see a UFO.

    2, sit back and laugh


    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Cunning Plan

      Actually, you're probably on to something there.

      Quick, get coding before NASA steals your thunder!

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Cunning Plan

        What could you advertise to people so gullible they believe that there are UFOs and NASA covers it up?

        1. Boothy

          Re: Cunning Plan

          Tin foil?

          1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

            Re: Cunning Plan

            Extra large tub of lube?

        2. jake Silver badge

          Re: Cunning Plan

          Fast/junk food?

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A zero day in human DNA

    activated by a combo of COVID vaccines and AM radio waves will create the largest command and control viral bot network the world has ever seen.

    The aliens don't need to land - they will take us over from the inside out.

    Someone please warn NASA. I can't because I'm already slipping away .....

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: A zero day in human DNA

      Relax, thanks to an alien coding error that's the one that only gets activated by the Brown Noise. We'll all get warned instantly as it occurs.

      Oh, shit ...

      1. Caver_Dave Silver badge

        Re: A zero day in human DNA

        " Brown Noise" I had to look that up.

        I previously thought Brown Noise was created in the toilet, the morning after a dodgy curry.

    2. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: A zero day in human DNA

      But we have chemtrails to protect us. They are nature's tin foil hat

  4. Winkypop Silver badge


    1. Are there any Aliens? Probably. Somewhere in a galaxy far far away.

    2. Have they visited Earth? Highly unlikely.


    1. Version 1.0 Silver badge

      Re: Easy

      I suspect Aliens from all over the Universe visit the Earth all the time, and then look around and email their offices, "Too much malware, viruses, and spam - we'd better go back home." so we only see them very briefly and they visit never again.

      1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

        Re: Easy

        Aliens visit earth frequently. But it's such a boring planet that it only gets included I'm those visit 10 Galaxies in 10days tours you get advertised in the Sirius-B Sunday Supplemenrs

        So the aliens only have chance to get off the ship, laugh at some yokel and probe a cow before taking off to see the fire swamps of Golgafricham

  5. xyz Silver badge

    It's a good thing....

    To have world + dog at the ready to capture "stuff". Regarding the "everyone's got a camera phone" argument, just count the time it takes to pick up the phone, type in your security code, press the camera icon, point 'phone at the right bit of sky (just try that with an ordinary plane going overhead) and click.. Whatever it was would be half way to Mars by the time you're ready.

    Everyone seems to agree that there is a something, so let's find out what the something is rather than adopting a denial posture.

    Just my 2 cents.

    1. Jess--

      Re: It's a good thing....

      My last few phones (various manufacturers) have all had the option to open the camera (current one is swipe the camera icon up on the lockscreen) and snap away without unlocking the phone, my current one will also let you view the pics you have taken (but only the ones you have just taken) in the photo gallery app but disables anything beyond view / delete options unless you unlock the phone

      1. jake Silver badge

        Re: It's a good thing....

        I don't carry such a thing, but I think it's android that has a setting that allows you to double-click one of the buttons to open the camera when the phone is otherwise locked.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: It's a good thing....

      "Everyone seems to agree that there is a something"

      Somethings, plural. Almost everyone is in agreement that whatever they are, they are probably not alien.

    3. Fr. Ted Crilly Silver badge

      Re: It's a good thing....

      Large yellow somethings perhaps?

    4. David Nash

      Re: It's a good thing....

      The problem with those who seem convinced that they are aliens is that only the poor-quality images remain unexplained. Could it be that they are unexplained due to their poor quality, rather than because they are unexplainable by Earthly standards? Seems likely to me.

      Similar to photos of Bigfoot, Nessie, etc.

      Since almost everyone does have a decent-quality camera on them most of the time now, it's strange how there are NO clear and unambiguous images of such things.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: It's a good thing....

        "Since almost everyone does have a decent-quality camera on them most of the time now, it's strange how there are NO clear and unambiguous images of such things."

        Few people with phones/cameras actually know how to use them. Many have no concept of holding the phone in landscape mode at the appropriate time, let alone how to hold it steady and pan slowly so as not to induce nausea in their audience by waving it rapidly around. Now put one of those people in the "exciting" position of trying to photograph or video a tiny object in the sky, often under poor conditions and all you are going to get some shaky, out of focus crap video that could be Nessie piloting a flying saucer dropping poop-bombs on bigfoor and all we get to see is some fuzzy blur accompanied by sounds of "whoa, shit man, can you see that? This is gonna go viral!".

        TL'DR, people wave camera phones around the same way they move their heads, but without the eyeball/brain self-correcting feed-back.

        1. TheMaskedMan Silver badge

          Re: It's a good thing....

          "Now put one of those people in the "exciting" position of trying to photograph or video a tiny object in the sky, often under poor conditions..."

          Exactly this! You're not expecting to see anything unusual, so it takes a moment to realise that something's afoot. Then you have to stop being gobsmacked long enough to think of taking a pic video. Rummage in pocket/ bag for phone and get to the camera app - yes, I know, camera hotkeys etc. I disabled mine cos they kept sprouting the camera when I didn't want it. Then you have to point at the object and shoot. You can try the last bit using an aircraft at night as a substitute UFO - chances are all you'll get is a wobbly set of bright lights against a cloudscape, if that.

          You could try a further experiment; secret your phone about your person in its usual place, then walk along a busy main road with a friend. At random, your friend is to point out a passing car and you have to get a good picture of it before it's out of sight. Tricky.

          Naturally, this latter experiment is inappropriate for the dickheads who routinely walk along and even cross roads with their eyes glued to their phones because a) the UFO could land on their head and they still wouldn't notice, and b) I doubt they have any friends.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Secret job appointment

    "In fact, there will be a job opening up at NASA to oversee UAP data collection. The space agency plans to appoint a Director of UAP Research"

    Do keep up, El Reg; in the press conference, NASA said they'd appointed someone to lead this, but —in almost the same breath as talking about how open and transparent they are— they said they're not naming the person (or disclosing anything about budget). Later on they suggested that this was because of harassment and death threats.

    It isn't clear whether the threats are from earth-bound whack-jobs or shy extra-terrestrials. Or perhaps they've simply appointed a shy extra-terrestrial.

  7. Mike 137 Silver badge

    UAP not_equ UFO

    Unidentified anomalous phenomenon is a much wider category than unidetified flying object -- not least because, strictly, a UAP doesn't necessarily have be flying or even capable of flight.The ambiguity reminds me of a very old joke from Punch magazine:

    "Vicar, vicar, there's a horrible black mass in the church yard!"

    "A horrible black mass of what?"

  8. Jaybus

    AI Aliens

    "the report suggests NASA's expertise in machine learning and data science will help ensure quality data gathering and analysis."

    Yes, but can a generative AI detect a pic produced by another generative AI? The better the tech gets, the better the deep fakes.

  9. jlturriff

    NASA can avoid defunding the New Horizons support project by diverting the money they're wasting on UFO research to something more productive.

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